HELP: I didn’t want to cheat myself writing good English as my family starves...

Hello Chairman Edduh, I will be honest enough to briefly describe myself and invite any member to afford a visit to our rental house in...

Governor Lusaka’s armed security claim 10% has denied them pay for months

Kiongozi vipi? Kindly address this issue.. Armed security to his Excellency the Governor (Ken Lusaka) office and Kiwanja Ndege residence (CIPU/ AP) haven't been...

Don’t-care County attitude blamed for Musikoma – Kanduyi dual carriageway reckless behaviours

Dear Bungoma County Government, I am writing to bring your urgent attention to a concerning situation along Mumias Road. There is a growing issue of...

STATISTICS: Why Governor Lusaka continues to struggle with “Wangamati scholarship”

In Summary: Taskforce findings Complaint Rejoinder ~ CECM Educ Sample success story A week to his swearing in as Bungoma County's 2022-7 Governor, Ken Lusaka...

Controversy surrounding the death of Bungoma Governor’s aide Ernest Wafula

In Summary: Mercy and her sister's account Ernest's father Ernest's brother rules out suicide Audio clips (accounts) Governor Lusaka speaks #iKUWEiKUWE Corner Assorted images Ernest...

SHORTCHANGED? Disgruntled Muslims cry foul over pre-Election MoU with Governor Lusaka

In Summary: Protest Post-election pact Pre-election pact Rejoinder ~ Lusaka #iKUWEiKUWE Corner A section of Bungoma Muslims are up in arms against what they term...

Lusaka vs Exchequer disagreements affect Xmas celebrations as Lusaka flees County

In Summary; Run-ins Rejoinder ~ Lusaka The County Exchequer Account is an account held by the County at the Central bank where all money that is...

COMPLAINT: Silungi with a messy integrity record is one being fronted by Gov. Lusaka...

WE are informed this man Silungi with a messy integrity record as indicated in the post that lacks integrity is one being fronted for...

Please come to our rescue ~ Enforcement Officers beg Governor Lusaka

Bungoma County Enforcement officers are up in arms after missing their parade-allowances for three consecutive events. The irate men and women have reached out...

UDA party’s Hustler con-game is being unmasked every single passing day

UDA: Dynasties or Hustlers The UDA party's Hustler con-game is being unmasked every single passing day. When President William Ruto branded himself as a Hustler way...

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Cabinet vetting gives Parliament a rare opportunity to redeem itself after a shameful public...

By Isaac Wanjekeche. As the national assembly awaits the vetting of new cabinet named by President William Ruto, the embattled house has a rare opportunity...

Angry with me for quarreling with Raila Odinga? You are wrong… ~ Wafula Buke

Angry with me for quarreling with Raila Odinga? You are wrong. Am his best student and supporter. 1. There are many reasons why I...

Bungoma County Assembly outlines plans for the Youth as it supports protests with reservations

STATEMENT BY THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF BUNGOMA ON ONGOING DEMONSTRATIONS IN THE COUNTRY BUNGOMA, July 18, 2024 The County Assembly of Bungoma condoles with families that...
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