Protected: Drama as MCAs storm a training illegally facilitated by County Staff, culprits take...

Education Chief Officer Nicholas CJ Kiboi is a man under siege for charging Bungoma County employees (instructors) Kshs. 5,000 for training in Incompetency Based...

Court stops appointment of four Chief Officers, Assembly to start vetting tomorrow

Bungoma inter-parties court has this 24th April 2023 afternoon issued conservatory orders instructing Bungoma County Public Service Board (BCPSB) not to issue appointment letters...

Protected: A bean-spilling tussle emerge at Bungoma County Assembly over Hon. Balala

In Summary Speaker's communication Minority Coalition response Bean-spilling Allegations Rejoinder - Speaker Rejoinder - Clerk A tussle has emerged at Bungoma County Assembly over what...

Please come to our rescue ~ Enforcement Officers beg Governor Lusaka

Bungoma County Enforcement officers are up in arms after missing their parade-allowances for three consecutive events. The irate men and women have reached out...

Baraza to Ruto; As you impose projects on Bungoma, Return my money I go...

Bungoma gubernatorial aspirant Zachariah Baraza has urged UDA party to refund Kshs 500,000/= he paid for gubernatorial position following the revelation that it prefers...

PA & ICT report exposes 111 missing, 86 grounded/abandoned Bungoma automobiles

In summary; Summary of automobiles per depart. Outstanding repair/ storage costs Committee Observations Committee Recommendations Assorted Images Word on the street indicating that the County...

BUNGOMA ASSEMBLY releases Public Accounts Committee interrogation schedule

In Summary; Extract from Public Notice Schedule/Venue iKUWEiKUWE Corner The County Assembly of Bungoma Public Accounts Committee is in receipt of the under listed reports...

International donors & National Gov’t inspect Busia County projects

The Speaker of Busia County Assembly Hon. Bernard Wamalwa today 12 Jan 2021 hosted a delegation from International Donor Community and National Government that...

Anxiety, fear of the unknown sets in amid Political realignments in Bungoma and TransNzoia

In Summary; Gov. Wangamati/Natembeya Zachariah Barasa Mr. Francis W. Wangusi Rt. Hon. Ken Lusaka Hon. Alfred Khang'ati Edwin Sifuna ~ ODM SG Hon Majimbo...

Advocate Bryan Khaemba’s 7-day demand notice to the CPSB over recruitment of Village Administrators

In Summary; Notice Demands Screenshots (complaints) Through Bryan Khaemba, Kakamu Kamau & Company Advocates, Kimilili Parliamentary aspirant Advocate Bryan Khaemba has today Sunday, October 31,...

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Cabinet vetting gives Parliament a rare opportunity to redeem itself after a shameful public...

By Isaac Wanjekeche. As the national assembly awaits the vetting of new cabinet named by President William Ruto, the embattled house has a rare opportunity...

Angry with me for quarreling with Raila Odinga? You are wrong… ~ Wafula Buke

Angry with me for quarreling with Raila Odinga? You are wrong. Am his best student and supporter. 1. There are many reasons why I...

Bungoma County Assembly outlines plans for the Youth as it supports protests with reservations

STATEMENT BY THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF BUNGOMA ON ONGOING DEMONSTRATIONS IN THE COUNTRY BUNGOMA, July 18, 2024 The County Assembly of Bungoma condoles with families that...
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