You crucified me in favor of ‘Barnaba’ ~ Lusaka

A summary of Helen Nangekhe Kibanani's burial Father Pius’ message to Wangamati, Leaders (audio) Janet Nangabo’s CLASSIC message (audio) Wangamati’s OUTRAGEOUS response (audio) Senate...

County Govt, MCA prioritise the most precious commodity

In Summary; 4 water projects + bonus County Govt's August 2020 program MCA's future plans Faced with serious clean water problems in the entire county,...

Bungoma South Covid-19 team distribute food to the vulnerable in Bukembe and Sang’alo Sublocations

Wednesday, July 22, 2020 Bungoma South Covid-19 team, a combination of the office of the DCC and that of Kanduyi MP, Hon. Wafula Wamunyinyi distributed...

Namirembe Dispensary officially opened, MCA Lusenaka thanks government

NAMIREMBE DISPENSARY OFFICIALLY OPENED, MCA LUSENAKA THANKS GOVERNMENT On Wednesday, July 08, 2020 the CEC Health – Dr Anthony Walela and Chief Officer Patrick Wandili...

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Cabinet vetting gives Parliament a rare opportunity to redeem itself after a shameful public...

By Isaac Wanjekeche. As the national assembly awaits the vetting of new cabinet named by President William Ruto, the embattled house has a rare opportunity...

Angry with me for quarreling with Raila Odinga? You are wrong… ~ Wafula Buke

Angry with me for quarreling with Raila Odinga? You are wrong. Am his best student and supporter. 1. There are many reasons why I...

Bungoma County Assembly outlines plans for the Youth as it supports protests with reservations

STATEMENT BY THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF BUNGOMA ON ONGOING DEMONSTRATIONS IN THE COUNTRY BUNGOMA, July 18, 2024 The County Assembly of Bungoma condoles with families that...
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