Details of Governor WANGAMATI’S IMPEACHMENT petition


Petition Dated; 24th June 2020

Petition Received by the Clerk; 22nd June 2020

Petition Forwarded to the Speaker; 25th June 2020

The impeachment petition was signed by;

  1. Barasa Kundu Nyukuri
  2. Albert Simiyu Wamalwa
  3. Phillip Wanyonyi Wekesa
  4. Jacinta Nabucha Machasio

…. But the last 3 petitioners bolted out just before the speaker’s communication on the floor of the house leaving barasa Nyukuri to soldier on…


GROUNDS (in a nutshell);

  1. Gross violation of the Constitution of Kenya, 2010
  • The governor has violated the constitution and other enabling legislation such as;
    • Public officers ethics ACT, 2003
    • Transitional Authority ACT, 2013
    • Urban areas and Cities ACT, 2011
    • County Govt. ACT, 2012
    • Public Finance Management ACT, 2012
    • Leadership & Integrity ACT, 2012
  • He has failed to adhere to Chapter 6 on the leadership and integrity by sanctioning illegal and irregular appointments and selection of unqualified and incompetent personnel among them Chief of staff, Liaison Officer, Protocol Officer etc
  • The Character/Conduct/actions of Wycliffe Wangamati have grossly violated articles 1,2,3,4,10,27,47,48,50,73,232 of the constitution

  1. Violation of the rule of law and due process, Abuse of office and Gross misconduct
  • His unilateral intend and decision to dissolve the county… sponsoring, forgery,
  • Publicly stating that they (Executive) will not recognize/respect/work with the Assembly
  • Interfering with the mandate of the County Public Service Board
  • Employment od Alex Momanyi, brother in-law to CEC roads, Collins Mukhongo as head of Supply Chain management
    • Alex implicated in colluding with a supplier to defraud Nzoia Sugar 2,800,00/=
    • Alex conspired with other member of staff to authorize payment for undelivered fertilizer
  • Irregular transfers of senior personnel from the county Hq to field stations with no job description.
  • Wangamati is yet to fill 4 chief Officer positions
  • Directors’ positions yet to be filled 2 years after the CPSB advertised, Shortlisted and recruited
  • Illegal and irregular sanctioning of Quantity surveyors from roads depart without clear job description and/or ToR
  • Sanctioned creation of illegal offices i.e
    • More than 10 chief officers
    • More than 4 advisors
    • Several Members of the service delivery unit (SDU)
    • Several Protocol officers
    • Several Liaison officers
    • Corridor employees
  • Appointment and nominations of chief officers and advisors to non-existent positions and offices
  • Bloating the staff leading to ballooning od the wage bill to about 52% from the required 35% ceiling
  • Failure to pay Casuals
  • Using organized militia/goons to intimidate/harass members of the assembly
  • Hiring of online goons for the purposes of character assassination, mudslinging, threats, name calling, intimidation of members of the county assembly, National assembly and senate
  1. Impropriety:
  • The antagonistic nature and behavior of the governor
    • He has created a political environment that is not conducive for good governance, performance of the assembly and implementation of programs/projects in line with County Integrated Development Plan (CIDP).
    • He hardly listens to advice and/or criticism
  • Initiated numerous flagship projects without adequately consulting the public and/or considering sustainable budgetary allocations
    • Dual Carriage
    • Masinde Muliro Stadium
    •  Milk Processing Plant
    • Misikhu – Brigadier road
    • High Altitude Centre
    • Nalondo Stadium… etc

  • He does not respect Public Participation views
  • He does NOT implement MOST ward based programs and projects
  • Failure to draft bills, policies, annual budgets and supplementary budgets for approval by the county assembly of Bungoma within the statutory timelines
    • Moves that are seen as deliberate to create a crisis and blame it on the assembly
  • He delays disbursement of funds which in turn affects absorption capacity leading projects stalling and later abandoned
  • Over-centralization of the procurement processes to his office contrary to article 227
  • Failure to decisively fight corruption
  • Awarding of tenders to Governors Friends, business partners through proxies due to his undue influence
  • UnSurrendered imprests
  • Irregular and illegal inter-departmental borrowing as well as misappropriation of funds;
    • Bungoma County Referral Hospital – 6,986,000/=
    • Webuye Sub County Hospital – 5,000,000/=
  • Misappropriation of emergency funds
  • Diversion of 350 million allocated for the Industrial park
  • Use of county resources on National functions ie class C33 Dual carriage
  • Failure to explain to residents of Bungoma County why and how the executive has utilized the World bank grants for Bungoma and Kimilili Municipalities without involving board members
  • Failure to ensure public resources are used as planned in fiscal framework… ie employment and HR capacity building
  • Failure to adhere to procurement laws and procedures as stipulated in Article 227
  1. Lack of leadership and integrity
  • Irregular appointment of unqualified and incompetent personnel in his office

The committee led by Khalaba MCA, Hon. Majimbo Okumu will undergo a training to polish their knowledge on matters governance/constitution/oversight before commencing the hearings in August

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#iKUWEiKUWE Updates summary;

  • Unsurrendered imprests
  • Diversion of allocated funds
  • Investing in Executive/Online goons
  • Human Resource… Unpaid Casuals, employment of incompetent / unqualified personnel
  • Using militia/goons to intimidate/harass members of the assembly, Parliament, senate and members of public
  • Awarding of tenders to Governors Family, Friends, business partners through proxies due to his undue influence
  • Misappropriation of emergency funds
  • Failure to declare the use of World bank grant
  • Employment of Alex Momanyi, brother in-law to CEC roads, Collins Mukhongo as head of Supply Chain management… in relation to Nzoia Sugar fraud
  • Bloating the staff leading to ballooning of the wage bill to about 52% from the required 35% ceiling
  • Irregular and illegal inter-departmental borrowing as well as misappropriation of funds

⛔Unless I take a look at the evidence… This is a weak petition in my view… proovable financial improprieties are the key to the impeachment of a governor… (money trails, signed documents, text messages, call recordings) … Otherwise I recommend that Wangamati, Collins Mukhongo, Marango, Alex – procurement, Chenane and all partisan staff’s mobile phone devices are subjected to digital forensics for recovery of evidence


  1. The first time in your life to reason like an educated person but not a gun for hire by wetangula


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