ANNOUNCEMENT: Mama Florence Khasoa Simiyu’s first REMEMBRANCE DAY celebrations

REMEMBRANCE DAY: MAMA FLORENCE KHASOA SIMIYU ONE YEAR LATER REMEMBRANCE DAY (also known as Poppy Day owing to the tradition of wearing a remembrance poppy)...

Kakamega County procures Oxygen plant to address shortage

COUNTY PROCURES PLANT TO ADDRESS OXYGEN SHORTAGE Kakamega County Government has procured a new Oxygen plant from France to fix the insufficient Oxygen supply being...

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Piga; 0729 950254 au 0716125097 Mtoto wa miaka 8 mvulana Kwa jina Wesley Makokha kutoka kijiji cha Ranje alipotea siku ya jumamosi jioni anatafutwa na...

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Cabinet vetting gives Parliament a rare opportunity to redeem itself after a shameful public...

By Isaac Wanjekeche. As the national assembly awaits the vetting of new cabinet named by President William Ruto, the embattled house has a rare opportunity...

Angry with me for quarreling with Raila Odinga? You are wrong… ~ Wafula Buke

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Bungoma County Assembly outlines plans for the Youth as it supports protests with reservations

STATEMENT BY THE COUNTY ASSEMBLY OF BUNGOMA ON ONGOING DEMONSTRATIONS IN THE COUNTRY BUNGOMA, July 18, 2024 The County Assembly of Bungoma condoles with families that...
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