Water shortage to worsen in Bungoma

Railways Park tenants drawing water from a tank, delivered by the company vehicle

Residents of Bungoma town and its environs have gone for five days without tap water following a mechanical failure of a pump at Matisi water purification point. The areas affected include; Matisi, Bukembe, Ndengelwa, Mabanga, Sikata, Khalaba ward, Township ward and their environs.

Speaking to #iKUWEiKUWE Updates a NZOWASCO official informs that the company is the process of repairing the pump with a view of returning to normalcy anytime from Friday-Saturday, 21st Nov 2020. He in his own word told me “itabidi muvumilie zaidi but we are working round the clock to ensure we deliver the precious commodity”

Why not use the new procured pump that’s been lying at Matisi for years?

  • It MUST be known that NZOWASCO once procured a SUBMERSIBLE PUMP that has been lying at Matisi having paid a down payment of 780,000/= but refused to clear the balance




On February 13th 2019, #iKUWEiKUWE Updates published an article titled BUNGOMA TOWN EXPERIENCING WATER SHORTAGE in which NZOWASCO again blamed the same pump for the disruption of water supply.

Read; https://t.me/iKUWEiKUWEupdates/208

On 26th Nov 2018 #iKUWEiKUWE Updates published an article titled NZOWASCO SUBMERSIBLE PUMP PROCUREMENT which highlighted a contested pump that had been procured but rejected upon delivery. I had had attached among other things;

  • 05.10 …LPO (3.9m) to GELMA AGENCIES LTD
  • Down payment of 780,000/=
  • 04.17 … GELMA delivers the submersible pump.
  • 04.18 … Invoice
  • 05.14 … GELMA writes to MD in response to his letter dated 2018.04.23 on the delivery of the pump.
  • 07.17 GELMA writes to PPRA Kisumu on the same.
  • 08.02 … Andrew Wandabwa & Associates write a demand notice to NZOWASCO
  • 11.08 …. GELMA writes to Director PPRA
  • Comparison between the two SUBMERSIBLE pumps

Also read; https://t.me/c/1323560118/526

Speaking to #iKUWEiKUWE Updates a senior NZOWASCO official indicates that the said pump is substandard (china-made) as opposed to an Italian-made pump that was preferred by the company that cited power consumption difference. That advised the rejection but the supplier has not picked the pump even after it was communicated to him that he should replace his delivery before being paid the balance.

The SUBMERSIBLE PUMP delivered by GELMA in 2018 and still remains unused

#iKUWEiKUWE Corner;

The reasons the current pump keeps breaking down are;

  1. Its alleged it was stolen from Mumias sugar, panel beaten and installed. This happened when new one had already been delivered but one powerful official refused to acknowledge receipt since his cut had not been factored in… A statement that has been disputed by an official who says the pump that keeps breaking down is bought from Italy.
  2. Substandard pipes are another reason for water shortage in Bungoma especially the now dead Lusaka road pipeline. The pipeline were initially destroyed by the then politically-correct Lusaka road contractor who in collaboration with powerful county officials refused to allow NZOWASCO manage the rerouting and repairs of the pipes after the road was laid. The once vital pipeline is no longer in use.
    • Gov. Wangamati’s regime once showed intent to have the pipeline revived but chickened out when NZOWASCO tabled a 12 million budget…
  1. The Dual carriageway is the main reason some residents of Khalaba and Township ward have gone for over a year without… NZOWASCO will tell you their hands are tied, the Chinese contractor cares less about the water problem while the roads department which controls funds allocated for repairs are in no hurry to reconnect water…. In fact am told the person in charge of reconnects does it as if he is operating a personal kiosk paying for everything from his pocket with no receipts to show.



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