Kilifi registers impressive numbers in County farmer mapping and profiling exercise

Director of Crop Production Mr. Safari Ziro

Kilifi County data validation meeting chaired by Director of Crop Production Mr. Safari Ziro was held on Tuesday 17 Oct 2023 and brought together technical officers from the four key directorates: Crop Production, Livestock Development, Blue Economy, and Cooperatives, along with statisticians from the Kilifi Department of Finance and Economic Planning.

This was part of the successful farmer mapping and profiling exercise conducted in partnership with stakeholders where a total of 164,526 farmers were registered surpassing the county’s initial target of 162,648.

To ensure the accuracy of the data and its reflection of the county’s realities, a data validation meeting was held on Tuesday 17 Oct 2023. The chair indicated that the official report will be prepared and submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture through the National Agricultural Value Chain Development Project (NAVCDP) National office on or by October 19th.

Those present included Benrick Ogutu, the Assistant Director of Fisheries at Kenya Fisheries Services, who doubles as the County Coordinator, a Cartographer, Quality Assurance officer, and ICT officers. The County Directors in attendance consisted of Dr. Cornel Malenga (Veterinary Services), Mwangi Gachuru (Fisheries), Mary Mkare (Cooperatives), and Sonia Kabibi, the NAVCDP County Project Coordinator.


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