EXCLUSIVE: Papa Shirandula’s final send off in pictures…
Charles Bukeko aka Papa Shirandula died of Covid-19 on Saturday, July 18, 2020 at Karen hospital
He was laid to rest at his Funyula home...
Namuenge Bukusu Darling makes inroads in a male-dominated field
Carolina Omukhana Muengele (stage name) started acting at a young age of about 5 years. She also liked singing and dancing which saw her...
EXCLUSIVE; Rising against all odds to be a renown Communications director / Musician
Rising against all odds to be a renown Communications director / Musician
Born in 1996 at Makutano village in Kanduyi Constituency, Storm (stage name) was...
County Govt. set to construct a 13million Resource Centre in Bukembe West
Bukembe West ward will soon be enjoying services of a Resource Centre funded by Bungoma County government to a tune of 13 million. The...
Governor’s PA, Communications officer accused of exploiting artists
In Summary;
The WANGA FIRE song (audio)
#iKUWEiKUWE reminders on previous cases
Bungoma County Governor Wycliffe Wangamati is a man who loves music, good...