BUNGOMA Workers Union successfully request for 21st Dec. holiday


Bungoma County Workers Union under the Banner Kenya County Government Workers Union (KCGWU) has written to the County Secretary and the head of Public Service seeking an off-day to allow workers hold Union Elections on 21st Dec. 2022 to instal new office bearers on interim basis following failure by those in office to abide by the constitution. Specifically;

  • No AGM held for years
  • No Financial reports

The County Labour Officer has thru the letter been duly invited to preside over the elections scheduled to be held at Posta grounds Bungoma

The following positions are up for grabs;

  1. Chairperson
  2. Vice Chairperson
  3. Secretary
  4. Vice Secretary
  5. Treasurer
  6. Vice Treasurer
  7. Women Representative
  8. Vice Women Representative
  9. Youth Leader
  10. Vice Youth Leader
  11. Shop Stewards in every Sub County
  12. Shop Stewards at the HQ in every depart.

A member of the Union informs ikuweikuwe.com that their request has been granted and therefore the special sitting will go on as planned.


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