GROUNDBREAKING: Kakamega Gold Refinery Factory

Kakamega Gold Refinery Factory groundbreaking


Following claims that an explorer in Lihranda corridor, Western Kenya found the presence of visible gold at Isulu in Kakamega in early March 2021, Kakamega County govt. moved with speed to plan for a serious investment in the gold mining industry that is currently a private affair.

Early this year, Shanta Gold Ltd did indicate that the exploration established a wide and high-grade zone of over 23 metres at Bushangala within the same locality. Through an exploration update for January and February the Shanta Gold CEO Eric Zurrin further indicated that the firm did hit high grade intersections.

On Monday, 8 November 2021 Kakamega governor Wycliffe Oparanya presided over a groundbreaking ceremony for construction of Kakamega Gold Refinery factory at Lidambitsa area in Ikolomani Sub County where mined gold will be processed before it is exported

The refinery is a game changer that will provide employment opportunities and boost our economy” said Oparanya

Kakamega Gold Refinery Factory will process gold from all parts of the country before it is exported.

The refinery is a game changer that will provide employment opportunities and boost our economy.

Presided over groundbreaking ceremony for construction of the factory at Lidambitsa area in Ikolomani Sub County.


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