VIDEO: Why Paravolley team declined Kshs. 5,000, spends a night in the cold at Wangamati’s office

Bungoma ParaVolley team camping outside Governor Wangamati's

Just after the conclusion of the County Sports tournament dubbed Wangamati Sports Tournament on 6th January 2021, those mandated by the County to scout for Paravolley talents presented a list of the selected few (from across the county) who were then supposed to be part of the County Paravolley team that was to enjoy a County sponsorship.

The team then started training with the view of getting support from the county as promised but shock on them… all the County did was to receive their budget for tournaments with zero financial input. The team that comprises of 28 players and officials has been training at KIE – Bungoma and was scheduled to participate in an All African Games Selection tournament at Nakuru starting today Wednesday, 20 October 20, 2021.

Feeling ready for the tournament the team Yesterday Wednesday, 19 October 20, 2021thought it wise to visit the Governor’s offices after it became evident that the Chief Officer (CO) Sports Mrs. Caro Masete was playing a cat and mouse with them. The CO who is widely known for giving false promises had in September asked the team to table a budget for this tournament which they did totaling to Kshs. 660,000/=. She received it and thanked officials for their swift response to her request while promising to process funds in good time as she encouraged the team to continue training hard.

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At the governor’s office the People Living with disability (PLWD) waited for worthy address by the County leadership in vain from morning only for the Chief of staff Mr. Allan Chenane to turn up in the evening surrounded by County enforcement officers with a rather disheartening message. Chenane dismissed them in the most arrogant and inhuman way the team could imagine.

Chief of staff Mr. Allan Chenane addressing the ParaVolley team at the Governor’s premises

He informed the Paravolley team that there was no money and therefore they should park and leave the Governor’s premises as he offered them Kshs. 5,000/= to share between themselves for their troubles.

This comes hours after highlighted almost a similar fate faced by Bungoma starlets football club that now seeking assistance from Zachariah Barasa a Bungoma Gubernatorial aspirant

#iKUWEiKUWE could not reach Chenane or Masete for comment(s)


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