An overloaded bus carrying Wangamati-Mashinani-Sports participants impounded, players and driver arrested



Facts on the Tournament

🔥 12 Buses supposedly hired to ferry over 40 teams from different disciplines throught the county… The truth is only 9 buses were hired and not 12.

🔥ARRESTED: Earlier today, An overloaded bus carrying Kapsokwony players impounded at Kimilili… all the passengers (players on board) were placed under arrest for flouting covid-19 rules as the driver was accused of overloading

▪️Wangamati’s promise to provide uniforms to teams has not been fulfilled.. They are playing using own uniforms

▪️NO County official in charge of the games spotted at playing grounds

▪️Only drinking water has been availed at some playing grounds

▪️Wangamati appoints CECs and Chief Officers to run the games… They are nowhere to be seen


▪️Some teams have used own means to get to the playing grounds

▪️Most teams have not left the converging points for their respective playing grounds for lack of trabsport

▪️Chemoge FC were forced to board a lorry after waiting for a bus in vain

▪️NO facilitation for lunch, fare, accommodation has been advanced to the teams

VIDEO: Wangamati at Kabula pooling…

⛔ All this is happening after the County spend millions for a ‘launch’ of a POOLING exercise attended by the County CEO where the County pledged to offer transport, lunch and/or accommodation where necessary

Sports in line: Volleyball, football, legball, athletics, paraball*….

2 million used for ‘launching’ POOLING at Kabula

Volleyball is being played at Bungoma High while other sports are being held at different venues in respective subcounties

Players have not left for their playing venues

⛔ On 28th Dec, the director of sports involved team captains in a Cat and mouse chase as he hopped from office to office desperately trying to evade them in a bid to ‘eat’ teams allowances… He later surfaced with a borrowed attitude telling the captains to find their way to Kabula for the POOLING instead of proving means as budgeted for… On this day each participant was given Kshs. 1000 as allowance instead of the 5,000 allocated on the ‘secret’ budget

POOLING; 6 pools each with 4 teams

Finals to be played on 31st Dec 2020


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