Wamboka winds up his weekend #COVID_19 donation exercise


*Wamboka winds up his weekend #COVID_19 donation exercise in Bumula*

Jack Wanami Wamboka today concluded his Weekend exercise of DONATING facemasks/temperature guns to traders/bodaboda riders at:
▪️ mungore
▪️ nasyanda
▪️ musiya
▪️ mabusi
▪️ sikinga
▪️ Bumula
▪️ mateka
(list edited 👆)
ONE thing that Wamboka has Consistently EMPHASISED on at every stop is the need to STRICTLY follow govt’s #COVID_19 guidelines

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*#iKUWEiKUWE Updates* nevertheless NOTICED that most Bungoma residents have NO masks

Beneficiaries SCRAMBLE for donations however orderly they are asked to remain.

▪️There is NEED to ENLIGHTEN our populace on the RISKS of NOT adhering to HYGIENE and social DISTANCING

Good job Wamboka… More leaders should come thru and assist fill in this gap. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💪🏽





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