BUNGOMA GETS 100million EMERGENCY funds for COVID-19 and FLOODS


BUNGOMA GETS 100million EMERGENCY fund for COVID-19 and FLOODS

🔹 On Wednesday 6th May 2020… Bungoma County govt received emergency funds from the National govt, funds that are purposed to fight #COVID_19 as well as assist areas affected by floods/landslides

This comes as GREAT relief to Bungoma County govt which has been STRUGGLING to explain to the public the whereabouts of the initially allocated 100m. Governor Wangamati nevertheless assured the public on 11:04:2020 during the INFAMOUS Mitungi public address that the county hadn’t spend a coin and that controller of budget had just released 50 out of the 100million from the County Emergency fund

So in total Bungoma County govt has 200million (100m from Nt’l govt and the 100m from the County emergency kitty)

The Devolution CS has been touring the region assessing the damages caused by floods as well as bring “donations” from Nt’l govt and donors

Today he’ll be in Busia

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🔹 Well done CS Eugene Wamalwa and the National govt 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💪🏽. Whereas am reliably informed that more DONATIONS are enroute I nevertheless feel the Nt’l govt is NOT doing enough
▪️The National govt needs to be actively involved in doing quick repairs of main facilities such as MALAKISI bridge
▪️ More funds should trickle down to all affected counties

🔹Governor Wangamati:
▪️I hope you shift from your habit of NOT declaring such “donations”… DECLARE this 100million to the assembly and therefore public as received from the National govt
▪️Have the assembly do the appropriation


🔹 9.4.2020… An attempt by Bungoma County govt to GRAB National govt’s non-food stuff donations to Busia and Bungoma BACKFIRES

Bungoma’s Public Health officer Mr. Wangusi acting on instructions from the health CEC Antony Walela tried UNSUCCESSFULLY to STOP the National govt from collecting items it had STORED at Bungoma cereals board on Sat, May 9 claiming it was meant for Bungoma.

Our source informs us… Things took a different turn after Wambusi was heard telling Dr. Walela on phone that “… the national govt is hijacking OUR items…” 😂😂😂😂

This instantly attracted the WRATH of the Govt agent who had come to collect the items

“The National govt gave the county govt 100million on Wednesday, why not put your energies on spending the 100m instead of poking your nose in these items, items you have no input/knowledge of how they arrived here” said an enraged officer to Moses Wambusi (county govt)

Wambusi had to retreat/leave after realising that he had been set up by his boss…

Reliable sources indicate that part of the consignment was later picked by Busia County as the rest remained for picking on Monday to be distributed to earmarked market centres in Bungoma.

▪️Among the items were water tanks and tents donated by Unicef and soap from other donors. More donations are said yo be enroute

😂😂😂 Sasa hata za Busia bungoma wants to grab??? 🤷🏾‍♂️

Why didn’t Wangamati join CS Wamalwa while he was around???? I see other governors joining the CS huku kwetu ni MPs na MCAs tu🤷🏾‍♂️





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