Protected: Drama as MCAs storm a training illegally facilitated by County Staff, culprits take...

Education Chief Officer Nicholas CJ Kiboi is a man under siege for charging Bungoma County employees (instructors) Kshs. 5,000 for training in Incompetency Based...

VIDEO:- MCA assaults Zachariah Barasa’s bodyguard over a seat

Kabula MCA Hon. Vitalis Nyongesa today Saturday, 26 June 2021 displayed his boxing skills in the full glare of the camera when a man...

Wamboka gives Bumula’s mama-mboga 150,000 reasons to smile

In Summary; Sunday morning business meeting Advert; JOBS @Bungoma County Advert; Club Siilk ~ Driving school sponsorship On Sunday, 11 April 2021 early in the...

This is why Wamboka’s new mourning style is admirable

Bumula politician and philanthropist Jack Wanami Wamboka through his Wamboka Foundation has initiated an education programme that has seen over 200 students from Bumula...

Wangamati dumps Raila, BBI campaigns for DP Ruto after a midnight meeting, Ruto gets...

RUTO MANAGES TO SPLIT THE EUGENE WAMALWA - WANGAMATI - OPARANYA AXIS In Summary; Game changing midnight meeting Oparanya leaves feeling out of place Burial...

Wangamati sponsors recall petitions for two Bungoma MCAs

WANGAMATI SPONSORS RECALL PETITIONS FOR TWO BUNGOMA MCAs The aftershocks of the Assembly battles that saw some ground shaking changes in leadership right from the...

Govt. should donate thermo guns, Facemasks and soaps to worship places – Wamboka

Bumula politician Jack Wanami Wamboka has asked the government to consider donating thermo guns, Facemasks and soaps to worship places... Saying that it's almost...

Edwin Walela, a governor’s partisan staff on the spot for masquerading as a youth...

In Summary; He is not a member He contributed like anyone else He sidelined the leadership at the presser   “Kiongozi a county employee has hijacked...

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Bungoma family shocked by court ruling on Dec 2024 deadly Arson attack that claimed...

A Bungoma court on 13th Jan 2025 ruled that there isn't enough evidence to proceed with a case that had seen two men arraigned...

Outrage as bus drops a dead passenger on Musikoma – Kanduyi dual carriageway

The scene of a lady’s lifeless body being offloaded from a Nairobi – Bungoma bus enraged witnesses who wondered why a dead body was...

Ng’ombe Moja kills his daughter for failing KCSE

Bungoma county, Cheptais sub county, Cheptais Division Chesikaki location, Chesikaki sub location Re: Incident report Today 10/01/25, the chief chesikaki location has just received a report from...
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