DEMOLITION: Ng’arisha Sacco vs Kanjo over illegal structures

Ng'arisha Sacco Bungoma offices
Bungoma County enforcement officers (Kanjo) have entered into an agreement with Ng’arisha Sacco that accorded the financial institution more time to remove the illegally erected structures themselves including a metallic fence, tent and car shade. This came after the enforcement officers stormed the Sacco on 21st Feb 2024 morning ready to demolish the marked structures outside the white house as its popularly referred to as but the Ng’arisha leadership were swift to plead for 24hour time to demolish themselves which was surprisingly allowed.
Politician Zachariah Barazah, DAP-K gubernatorial candidate

The demolition is scheduled for today 22nd Feb 2024.

Also read: 4 Reasons why Governor Wangamati has declined to receive the 18 million Lawrence Sifuna land taskforce report

Ng’arisha Sacco is a licensed deposit taking Sacco operating in the republic of Kenya since 1978. It was formed by the then teachers drawn from the former Bungoma district so as to serve the financial interest of its members. We are located in Bungoma with branches in Naitiri market and satelite offices in Kimilili and Sirisia Markets.


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