Wycliffe Wafula Wangamati giving his acceptance speech at Kibabii University Auditorium on 17-8-2017
On 17 August 2017 the then Governor Elect Wycliffe Wafula Wangamati gave his acceptance speech at Kibabii University…. It read;
My Party Leader and Bungoma County Senator-Elect Hon. Moses Masika Wetangula, Ford Kenya Secretary General and Tongaren MP-Elect Dr Eseli Simiyu, Bungoma County Ford Kenya Chair and Kanduyi MP-Elect Hon. Wafula Wamunyinyi, County Woman Rep-Elect Hon. Catherine Wambilianga, Deputy Governor-Elect Hon. Prof Charles Kibanani Ngome, other MPs-Elect and MCAs Elect, the First Lady Carolyne Wangamati, invited guests, Ladies and Gentlemen Good evening.
It’s with a deep sense of humility and honor that I stand before you this evening to accept my election as the second Governor Bungoma County. That I am here today is Gods own doing and a result of tremendous sacrifice and generous support by many (many) people. To each and every person that has been part of this journey, I am grateful.
To Caro, you remain my friend, a dependable partner and the love of my life. You have traveled this journey with me from Day 1. You did take care of our children and endured long nights while I was away on a campaign trail. When I was banned from campaigning, you stepped forward with courage making whistle stops across the county, carrying with pride a vision of a better Bungoma like it was an ornament. Thank you so much!
To my family, mum and dad, you ALWAYS believed in me even when I doubted my own abilities. There was never a time I couldn’t count on you. Early in life, you taught me the value of initiative and hard work. You kept me on the straight and narrow. You always made a point to pray for me. From you, I learnt strict discipline and respect for everybody. Today, I am still trying and working to be the kind of son you would be proud of. Thank you.
To my Party Leader and Bungoma Senator-Elect Hon Moses Masika Wetangula, thanks for believing in me and making time in between your busy schedule to rally to our support.
To Hon Dr Eseli Simiyu, Hon Wafula Wamunyiyi, Hon James Mukwe and Hon Catherine Wambilianga, your support through the campaign was invaluable. The MCAs that ran on Ford Kenya from Bumula to Tongaren, Kanduyi to Mt Elgon, Sirisia to Webuye, Kabuchai to Kimilili you carried our message of hope and change to your people [our people]. To this end, I owe you a debt of gratitude.
To my good friend, my then running mate and now Deputy Governor-Elect Prof Charles Kibanani Ngome, thanks for your unrelenting run combing villages through the dead of the night with the message of change. You are an incredible teammate!
To the great people of Bungoma who gave us a hearing, bought into our vision and voted for us, this is your win. This historical moment is about you. It’s about me. It’s about us.
With your vote, in your singular persons, you spoke and loudly so on what is important to all of us. Thanks for the vote of confidence. Acting on your behalf, I will do that which serves the wider common good.
To those who found us short and our message inadequate, thank you. It’s for you that I will be working even harder to bridge the divide and ease your doubts. I will be Governor for supporters and critics, for those who voted me and those who voted against me.
To the campaign team, the Constituency coordinators and our network of volunteers across the County, thanks for your total commitment in time and resources through this journey. You wore the responsibility of bringing change around your necks with rare courage, determination and foresight.
To friends and well-wishers, your belief in me is all I needed through this journey. Your investment in my candidature in time and resources reminded me that I stood for a just course. Thank you so much.
To James Olubayi, I wouldnt be here today had it not been for your support. You did not only hire me as a greenhorn, you inducted me into the world of professional practice and business. As a young man, you mentored me into the career actuary that I have become. I will confess: I always wanted to grow up to be like YOU! Thank you, Senior!
To my competitors, thanks for your company in a race that would otherwise have been lonely. Each one of you made a huge personal sacrifice and demonstrated great optimism in the ability of our people to rise above the muck and get better.
My friend and my brother H.E. Kenneth Makelo Lusaka, you took onto the challenge of pioneer Governor with gusto weathering the teething problems of every infant institution. You campaigned hard and pushed us to think long and deep about what our people want. Thanks for pushing us.
To Hon Khangati, from you I will ask our people to learn two things never to give up and the ability to keep hope alive. You ran a low-key but strong campaign. You articulated yourself so eloquently and passionately on what needs to be done to grow Bungoma and her people. As a people, we are all richer having heard your vision for Bungoma. Thank you!
To Hon Stephen Mutoro and Jim Nduruchi. Your run was not in vain. By your own action, you inspired brother and sister alike to always want to do something to better our environment. Bungoma is our home and we can only make it better with our own hands and the sacrifice of our sweat like you demonstrated.
To the Mama Mboga in Mikuba in Webuye, who sat me down and took me through the details of her trade, how she makes her ends meet and her hopes, dreams and fears, you did shape my perspective about life and what needs to be done.
In your eye, I saw not just the resolve of our people to overcome but also the crippling challenges our brothers and sisters have to deal with in order to help put food on the table. As a single mother and with your meager earnings, you did more than feed your family of three you even sent you daughter to college with a hope that tomorrow comes with some sunshine. You lit in me a fire to keep fighting on and it’s for you and many like you that I will serve as Governor. Thank you so much.
As I take onto the job of the second Governor of Bungoma, I am under no illusion on the magnitude of the task ahead. I know it’s not crown of privilege I wear. Rather, it’s a great responsibility that I can only accomplish with the support of everybody irrespective of party affiliations.
Together, let’s begin the urgent task of rebuilding Bungoma, restoring its promise and earning her a right of place among a community of nations.
I will invest myself wholly into this immense challenge and so I ask each one of you to do your part to move us forward. To all of us, I promise to bring enthusiasm, devotion, and plain hard work to get the job done. To the Mama Mboga in Webuye, I will be back to see you.
Many times, we have been told that we need to get things done in order to change (our circumstances). Today, I will urge all of us to change in order to get things done. Let’s all rise above party politics and collectively take onto the urgent task of growing Bungoma.
In the heat of politics, often emotion outran good judgment. Twice, matters threatened to get out of hand. This is the time to turn a new page, heal the wounds and bridge the divide.
I pledge to be fair to all and discriminate none. I promise to serve with humility, character and conviction. I will take responsibility and be accountable to all. I will make stern decisions but I will also listen more, learn more and give latitude rather than direction.
As I close, I must reiterate that I accept my election as Governor with humility. However, the work of delivering Bungoma County is yours and mine. I will do my part, please do yours.
In Summary;
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