You crucified me in favor of ‘Barnaba’ ~ Lusaka


A summary of Helen Nangekhe Kibanani’s burial

  • Father Pius’ message to Wangamati, Leaders (audio)
  • Janet Nangabo’s CLASSIC message (audio)
  • Wangamati’s OUTRAGEOUS response (audio)
  • Senate Speaker Lusaka’s speech (audio)
  • Wamunyinyi’s, Mwambu Mabonga’s speeches
  • Photos
  • Audios

Speaking at Helen Nangekhe Kibanani’s burial at Khaoya village -Bukembe West ward, Senate Speaker Rt. Hon. Ken Lusaka a former governor reminded mourners most of whom are Bungoma voters that they voted “Barnaba” (Wangamati) as they kicked him (Lusaka) out of office. Lusaka who arrived late in a chopper having earlier attended another burial in Bumula was the outright darling of mourners who cheered him genuinely as opposed to Bungoma governor Wycliffe Wangamati who had hired goons, cheering squad who partnered with county staff but still Lusaka beat him at impressing the public. The exit of the two leaders after the funeral was the ultimate embarrassment to Wangamati who was escorted by less than 15 people mostly his security detail as hundreds including those hired by Wangamati escorted Lusaka to the chopper… even the policemen who were at the venue all moved to guard Lusaka as Wangamati took the walk of shame.

Lusaka’s video:

Jesus was standing before Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor who had already declared Jesus innocent of anything worthy of death (Luke 23:15). Pilate knew that Jesus was being railroaded and it was “out of self-interest that the chief priests had handed Jesus over to him” (Mark 15:10), so he looked for a way to release Jesus and still keep the peace. Pilate offered the mob a choice: the release of Jesus or the release of Barabbas, a well-known criminal who had been imprisoned “for an insurrection in the city, and for murder” (Luke 23:19).

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Trans Nzoia Woman Rep Hon. Janet Nangabo’s attempt to talk sense into the Wamunyinyi faction of Ford Kenya party hit a rock after Wangamati told her off saying “leaders emerge”

Nangabo’s Video:

Hundreds of mourners were treated to a very muddy and heavily guarded funeral as cars got stuck at almost every turn. A situation the left all mourners talking including father Pius (listen to audio). A lorry full of police was deployed on top of tens of County reinforcement officers plus Jeshi-la-Wangamati “youths” hired to beef up security, a clear indication that Wangamati was scared of some possible insecurities

Wangamati’s Video:

The function saw Deputy governor Ngome’s family display a united front that impressed most as Ngome and his son Kevin sandwiched the only remaining lady, Sophie

In attendance; Kisumu Governor, Deputy governors Nyeri, Vihiga, Busia

Notable contributions; Francis Atwoli 100k, Deputy Governor’s 230k, Governor Nyong’o 50k,

BBI took centre stage (audios)

Covid-19 was addressed by Mwalimu Ken Nganga, Secretary KNUT and Speaker to Bungoma County Assembly Hon Emmanuel Situma. Otherwise a good number of mourners had facemasks

Ford Kenya party leader, Senator Moses Masika Wetangula was in Ford Kenya campaigns in Tsavo forcing him to miss the burial but send his contribution ~ Ken Nganga

  • Father Pius message to Wangamati, Leaders
  • Janet Nangabo’s classic message to leaders
  • Bumula MP, Mwambu Mabonga’s speech
  • EXCLUSIVE Photos
Bongoma Deputy governor Ngome, his son Ken and daughter Sophie
Janet Nangabo conversing with Lusaka
Lusaka’s chopper
Tight security






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