In summary;
- INTRODUCTORY; rare meeting with Nangekhe
- 2 EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEWS (downloadable audios) shared on;
- 33-years life with Charles Ngome
- The Tachoni lie used in campaigns
- The Solitaire meeting with Ngome before the Kibabii attack
- When, how and why she was abandoned by her husband
- Her role in helping Ngome escape Moi’s wrath after 1982 coup
- Her role in getting him out of Uganda following another coup
- Once hosted Wangamati who later unleashed terror on her
- Her beef with Governor Wangamati Wycliffe
- Ngome’s Tongaren home
None of them can tell me sh*t
On one Saturday evening in late April 2020 I received a rare phone call that came from one Hellen Nangekhe the abandoned wife of Bungoma Deputy governor, Charles Kibanani Ngome. It was strange for 1) I wondered how she got my number and yet we had never exchanged contacts 2) I did not have her contact but truecaller gave me a hint and lastly I wondered what I had done or not to earn me her call…. On receiving the call, she first introduced herself as my cousin I didn’t know before asking me to do her a favor of informing the public what she was about to tell me… in person she meant.
She demanded that I visit her home in Khaoya village where she thought we’d have a more secure place (away from Wangamati’s goons) she was still traumatized following her beating by Wangamati’s security at Kibabii University…. I first consulted papa Hon. Majimbo Okumu and papa Herbert Simiyu Okumu if indeed I was a cousin to Hellen and if it was safe for me to risk the visit. They confirmed it and by extension encouraged me to visit but with escort for security reasons just in case for I had announced my fears that she could be used to lure me into danger.

FAST FORWARD; My brother Jose and I arrived at her palatial but lonely home on a Sunday afternoon. The grass around the house had been razed by what looked like ‘wild-fire’ that nearly consumed the main house having burnt everything in her adjacent farm. She offered us Quencher (or was it?) and biscuits before she quickly ran me thru what she wanted her cousin (me) to know;
- Her life with Charles Ngome
- Work and Politics
- She also showed me photos some of which I will share on this and/or other posts
- She also instructed me to thru inform the public on everything she shared
From this meeting we kept on talking via phone mostly initiated by her on the need to publicize the information shared… I managed to record several out of the many phone calls and will be releasing about FOUR of them in bits to satisfy her wishes before she is buried this Saturday 24th Oct 2020… Perhaps it’s be importance important for those who are addressed herein to make satisfactory responses during her burial
I have subsequently reached out to DG Charles Kibanani Ngome for comment on the same concerns raised without a reply
“None of them can tell me sh*t” she kept saying referring to Wangamati and those who separated them
Audio 1;
Audio 2;
Hellen Nangekhe was Bungoma Deputy Governor Charles Kibanani ngome’s wife. She died on Oct 10th 2020… burial; 24-10-2020