Waluke, Grace sentenced to 7 years or 727 million fine, way out



Following the court sentence to a 7 years jail term or 727 million fine, here is what you need to know about Waluke’s chances;

  • The Sirisia MP has 14 days to appeal
  • He will be remanded at Kileleshwa police station till then
  • Waluke still remains the MP until a possible appeal is determined against him
  • Jacob Juma’s Company is the one that put MP John Waluke in hot soup
  • The case dates back to Aug. 2004 when Erad Supplies and General Contractors Ltd was awarded a Ksh 778 million tender to supply 40,000 tonnes of maize.The company then was known to be owned by the late businessman Jacob Juma, who was the only director known publicly.
  • Waluke’s Options;
    • Pay the fine
    • Appeal within 14 days
      • If the 14 days elapse while he is still inside without an appeal he will loose the seat
      • If he applies for bail pending appeal and remains in custody for more than 6 months, he will still loose his seat
      • After filling an appeal he should pray that the court releases him on bail pending appeal
      • If he applies for an appeal and still remains in custody he will still loose his seat


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