A CEC member among 20+ FAKE delegates that ‘ousted’ Wetangula


Following the purported ‘ouster’ of Moses Wetangula as the FORD-Kenya party leader, his team of lawyers have swung into action scrutinising documents presented by Wangamati-financed Eseli’s team

According to documents in our possession and in the records of the Registrar of Political Parties, the list of the said NEC members has exposed Eseli, Wamunyinyi and Wangamati for political conman-ship.

This afternoon of Monday, June 08, 2020 the registrar of political parties cleared the propaganda by a section of the media making clear that the earlier gazettement by Eseli, Wangamati and Wamunyinyi faction was only but a NOTICE of intent for public participation  and not a gazettement of change of leadership.

According to insiders at the RPP, the current stalemate at Simba house might not end soon and the two factions might be forced to have internal mechanisms or the tribunal.

This leaves Eseli and Wamunyinyi is a political quagmire to explain how they made such errors despite having allegedly received Ksh 50 million to stage a coup.

FAKE NEC MEMBERS, SIGNATURES; Matthew Chirasha Wanjala is a CEC and civil servant. Eng. Nyarotso resigned and left. Sheikh Dima’s signature is forged

#iKUWEiKUWE Updates will follow this up with an expose of the list of fake NEC delegates Eseli & Co relied…. Among the irregularities noted are;

  • More than 20 fake delegates including
    • Peter Wakhuleka who is Wangamati’s partisan employee and has never stepped in a NEC meeting
    • Mathayo Chirasha Wanjala, A CEC member and civil servant prohibited by law to engage in party politics
  • Double recording of some NEC members to shore up numbers
  • Forged signatures of members who did NOT attend;
    • Suleiman Murunga
    • Roselyne Ogutu
    • Eunice Otieno.
    • Sheikh Dima
    • Eng. Nyarotso resigned and left.
  • Wangamati, Eseli and Wamunyinyi Faked the Party Stamp which indicated  that Ford Kenya Party headquarters are in Kileleshwa and not Simba house along Ole-Dume Road,a matter that extended to the Party’s logo on letter head that they hurriedly put a shield instead of the two Simbas on both sides.
  • Through party lawyer Benson Milimo, registrar of political parties was also brought to notice of the several irregularities against the party constitution including failing to embrace party’s internal mechanisms that include disciplinary measures.
  • However, Bungoma governor Wycliffe Wangamati was also put on spot for using county government resources including the county letterhead on matters party which is an illegality and addressing his purported complains to Eseli instead of party Management committee.

Senior Counsel Dr. Khaminwa and Wakili Nelson Havi, president LSk who have been hired to defend the FORD – Kenya party leader identified the wicked, illegal and ill conceived attempt to lodge a coup in Ford Kenya by the cabal of Wangamati, Eseli & Wamunyinyi, using massive bribery, fraud & forgery, have sworn to defend the rule of the law, the constitution & honor of the Mulembe nation!

Document 1; Letter to RPP – Havi and Co. – Ford Kenya coup attemp

Document 2: Letter to RPP – Havi and Co. – Ford Kenya coup attemp 2




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