Natembeya appreciates three as he quits job, brags of incoming benefits for Trans Nzoia County

Former Rift Valley Regional Commissioner George Natembeya

George Natembeya is the youngest Regional Commissioner in Kenya who resigned at 50 years on 12 Jan 2022. He is a father of three who holds a Bachelors of Arts and a Masters of Arts Degree in Anthropology from University of Nairobi.

Following his resignation to plunge into politics, the no-nonsense administrator posted the following on his social media page;

This afternoon, I have tendered my resignation after serving in administration for 25 years to focus on my political ambitions.
I take this opportunity to thank the head of state, President Uhuru Kenyatta for giving me the chance to be his Regional Commissioner in the Rift Valley, and for the support he has given me in the two and a half years I have been here. I also thank CS Dr. Fred Matiang’i and Principal Secretary Interior Dr. Karanja Kibicho for team work and close coordination to ensure the security of Rift Valley is taken care of.
I also take the opportunity to highlight my achievement as an administrator, including but not limited to curbing the notorious Mungiki, combating banditry in rift Valley, road safety while working as P.A to the late Michuki, successful eviction of people from water catchment area Mau Forest.
I thank all leaders in the Rift Valley for great co-operation and wish them well.
I am taking off my military uniform today. I won’t wear it again not unless under very extra ordinary circumstances. I am no longer the Rift Valley Regional Commissioner. I will from now on focus on politics as I seek the backing of residents of Trans Nzoia to become their governor.
I bring on board loads of the much needed experience, negotiation skills, Connections, Political goodwill among other goodies to the people of Trans Nzoia.

~ Hon. George Natembeya  ~


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