REVEALED; Car loan/grant Kitty owed 91 million (Assembly), 28 million (Former MCA’s), 4.6 million...
In Summary
SRC's review
Assembly Kamukunji
Juakali exposes graft, invites DCI
DOWNLOADABLE; Car Loan Scheme Fund Regulations 2017
Car loan Kitty...
PACs report on Bungoma County Govt. Quarterly reports and Financial statements
In Summary;
Total budget 11,902,328,884
40 bank accounts
160million un-surrendered imprests
Departmental Expenditure analysis
Pending bills with no supporting documents
County Secretary’s office...
Wangamati beats MCAs supplementary budget ultimatum
In summary;
Presser (videos)
Contractor's dilemma
118 million misappropriated
Wangamati's prompt reaction
Speaking at the assembly during a press briefing, Kimaeti MCA and Budget Committee...
Bungoma Supermarket, Hospital, businesses closing shop in anticipation of Railways demolitions
Today morning 1st Feb 2021 as the Chairman, I led a delegation of Railways Park Tenants to Bungoma County commissioner’s office with a view...
CCTV reveals 2 Namwela Boys suspected arsonists
BUNGOMA West detectives are holding a form two suspect of Arson who was captured on CCTV torching one of the dormitories at Friends School...
Fear and anxiety as Auditor General’s report interrogations begin
In Summary;
Assembly communication
Interrogation schedule
Bungoma County Assembly has published an interrogation schedule following the release of the Auditor General’s report, interrogations that have...
FAKE rubberstamp used to transact World bank’s 351 million NARIGP fund business
In Summary;
Whistle blower
Unique wrap-up meeting
CEC's secret meeting with World Bank officials
Secret Report
CEC Makanda summoned by DCI
FAKE rubberstamp
Kimilili Boys go on rampage
Kimilili Boys High School students go on rampage after a captain disciplined a form two he found carrying rolls of bang. The form two...
Borehole claims 3 in Kakamega
Three people die instantly while trying to clean up borehole at Kongoni village in Likuyani Sub County. Sources indicate that the tragedy was as...
Do you know this girl?
The girl is deaf, was found at Lunyu market by a good Samaritan who are unable to trace were she comes from or heading...