SHOCK: Governor Wangamati embarasses his advisor, bereaved family with flip flops


Wangamati’s false promise causes more pain and embarrassment to a bereaved family


The family of the late Terry Naliaka Nalonja is unable to comprehend how Governor Wycliffe Wangamati who happens to be her in-law could lie to the family through his advisor Hon. Wakoli Bifwoli over payment of hospital and mortuary bill at Bungoma County Referral Hospital … Nalonja passed on last week while giving birth at BCRH, her body has been under preservation at the County mortuary since then as the family embarked on burial plans which included contributions towards payment of the hospital bill.

… the family doesnt understand what the flip flops by Wangamati are supposed to mean.

With the total bill standing at Kshs. 150,000/= the family which had for about a week managed to raise Kshs. 75,000/= only sort to get financial assistance from “gavana wao mpendwa” to bridge the gap. They tasked the former MP to Bumula who happens to be Wangamati’s advisor on matters land and other emerging issues to deliver their appeal to the County CEO… Upon receiving the request Wangamati assured his advisor that he will handle the issue with the Chief Officer health Mr. Patrick Wandili… The family was therefore supposed to pay what they had as the County Referral Hospital waivers the balance.


YESTERDAY, Monday, November 02, 2020 having planned to pick the body for burial, the family led by the late Nalonja’s husband Mr. Amos Masoleli (Omuyemba) arrived at Bungoma County morgue with a hearse ready to collect the body of their loved one who apparently is alleged to have died due to negligence by BCRH. On arrival the family discovered that Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati had given contrary orders to Wandili on the matter. Efforts by Hon. Bifwoli to convince the CO and/or reach Wangamati for intervention were futile for Wandili stood his ground and Wangamati did not pick/return calls for the hours the stalemate existed.

“Feeling Ashamed, Defeated, Angry, Shocked, Embarrassed and letdown the governor’s advisor together with bereaved family and friends boarded the hearse and their various means back to Nang’eni Sub location, West Bukusu ward… EMPTY HANDED”

…informs a family member who spoke to #iKUWEiKUWE Updates upon arriving home saying the family doesnt understand what the flip flops by Wangamati are supposed to mean.



#iKUWEiKUWE Corner;

  • POLENI sana for losing your loved one
  • Just like the family… I don’t blame Mr. Wandili at all
  • I also don’t know why Wangamati flip flopped on this but I remember… Lusaka once saidYour sacrificed me in favor of Barnaba
  • RIP Nalonja



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