Roads dept. dossier that informed the Assembly to reject framework contracting



In Summary:

  • 140 million roads shared amongst Executives
  • MCAs derailing development in Bungoma County

Bungoma County Governor Wycliffe Wangamati is in process of returning ‘same’ budget back to the Assembly upon amendments by the County Assembly. In this article I will highlight the roads dept. dossier which informed the assembly to reject the framework contracting as requested by the executive after the latter failed to submit a work plan/activity costing for the program. The committee instead reallocated the funds to Ward development fund under the roads department increasing it from 13 million to 20 million per ward.

The executive had requested ksh140m without a concept paper that is supposed to be approved by the Assembly. They also failed to present the work plan to the sector committee

Awarded Companies associated with the executive;

  1. M/S Dachi – John Kuloba, Wangamati’s right hand man
  2. Kemasha Investments – Associated with Collins Mukhongo, CECM roads 
  3. Saferio Investors company (registered on 1.3.2019) – Associated with  Collins Mukhongo, CECM roads
  4. Kevleah Agencies Ltd – Associated with Marango, Chief Officer roads

The 4 companies have been allocated routine maintenance of roads throughout the entire county (9 constituencies) for two (2) financial years. 

Marango the Chief office and beneficiary;

  • Prepares Bill of Quantities (BQs)
  • Prepares payment certificates
  • Approves payment certificates


The following MCAs are NOT supportive of the increase of funds towards ward based projects as approved by the assembly in the FY 2020/21 budget:

    1. Florence Wekesa of Maeni ward,
    2. Milly Masungo of Misikhu ward
    3. Joan Lutukai of Naitiri/Kabuyefwe ward
    4. Antony Lusenaka of Bukembe west ward
    5. Joram Wanjala of Bukembe east ward
    6. Wamusai Simiyu of Siboti ward
    7. Ali Machani alias Balala of Maraka ward
    8. Elvis Abuka of Milima ward
    9. Nathaniel Aseneka of Ndalu/Tabani ward
    10. Evelyn Mutiembu of Malakisi/South Kulisiru
    11. Rosemary Khisa of Luuya/Bwake Ward
    12. David Barasa alias Juakali of Kimilili ward
    13. Charles Nangulu of Namwela ward
  • #iKUWEiKUWE rat informs;
    • Most of the 140 million was earmarked to finance the 2022 campaigns. The person who had been tasked to deliver this is one Marango the chief officer in the depart of roads. Being the accounting officer who; Prepares BQs, Prepares payment certificates, Approves payment certificates and subsequently inspects the construction… He was supposed to exaggerate figures on BQs and pay unmatched, unqualified works.
    • Wangamati has rejected the budget submitted to him and therefore wants to give the Budget committee an opportunity to revert to the Budget as proposed by the executive and bring back their ward based projects to 13m as well as send back the money to ministries as it was. But if they don’t, then the executive threatens to totally remove ward based projects through a judicial process.
    • The 13 MCAs defending the four companies do receive 50,000/= handouts each per week supposedly for mobilization within wards
  • A procurement expert informs; Framework contracting is NOT meant for roads… its meant for highly consumable goods like medicine, non-pharms, stationary etc… 7 Companies should be prequalified per lot.


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