COMPLAINT: Silungi with a messy integrity record is one being fronted by Gov. Lusaka for the position of Chief Officer Roads

Allegations as received

WE are informed this man Silungi with a messy integrity record as indicated in the post that lacks integrity is one being fronted for the position of Chief Officer Roads Infrastructure and Public Works because of his relationship with the top leadership of the County Government of Bungoma.

We are keenly following the unfolding events with EACC and DCI over this immoral and corrupt person.

We shall exposure his syndicate with the Wangamati Regime and remnants at the appropriate time.

Our beloved County Governor KLM should keep this guy away from the position of Chief Officer. It is going to be noise, messy and with serious consequences on the KLM Legacy.

Governor Kenneth Makelo Lusaka is related to Silungi and he is out to ensure that he is shortlisted, interviewed and selected as the Chief Officer for Roads Infrastructure and Public Works in the County Government of Bungoma

Silungi is also being fronted by one Kibunguchi the incoming CECM for Tourism Environment, Water and Natural Resources. He is the former Chief Officer Roads during Lusaka’s regime.

He lobbied very had to be either CECM Roads, Infrastructure and Public Works or Chief Officer in the same department.

Kibunguchi is threatening other applicants for the position of Chief Officer for Roads Infrastructure and Public Works in favour of Silungi.

Kibunguchi previously worked with Stephen Nendela and the two were in conflict of interest, especially with regard to skewed award of tenders to their proxy companies.

Silungi is part of the cartels and syndicates in the Roads Infrastructure and Public Works Department.

He should not be shortlisted, interviewed and selected/ employed as the Chief Officer for Roads Infrastructure and Public Works if Governor Kenneth Makelo Lusaka wants to leave any Legacy after his second and last term.

~ Anonymous ~


  • Reached Silungi did not comment on the said allegations
  • Efforts to reach Kibunguch were fruitless



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