Why the late Hon. James Mukwe is turning in his grave

Governor Wycliffe Wangamati speaking at Hon. Mukwe's burial

In summary;

  • The pledge
  • Speeches at Mukwe’s funeral (livestreams)
  • The ordeal/embarrassments at Wangamati’s office
  • #iKUWEiKUWE Corner
Bungoma governor Wycliffe Wangamati has once again failed to honor another mouth watering pledge just like others he makes at funerals

On 19th Dec 2020 during the burial of former Kabuchai MP Hon James Mukwe at Sanandiki Primary, Wangamati had faced arguably the most embarrassing political moment courtesy hostile mourners who heckled him through his speech… The battled governor then pledged to offer Hillary Mukwe a job immediately after the burial… The youthful son of the late MP thanked the county CEO saying an employment for him would assist him cushion the family against the tough times

Watch livestream 1: Governor Wangamati, Governor Otichilo, Governor Oparanya heckled and embarrassed at Hon. @James Mukwe’s Burial in Kabuchai Constituency https://web.facebook.com/586721326/videos/10158632892776327/

Watch livestream 2 ; Hon Mukwe, Kabuchai MPs Burial ceremony… @Sanandiki Primary school Kabuchai clip2 https://web.facebook.com/586721326/videos/10158632405871327/

My rat at mheshimiwa Mukwe’s home indicate that after making unsuccessful calls/visits to Wangamati’s office… The frustrated youth one day met the chief of staff aka the “devil himself” as referred to by my source… Chemane tongue lashed him warning him against visiting the governor’s office since the GOVERNOR DOES NOT EMPLOY… before telling him to take his CV to the County Secretary’s office.

Feeling dejected and embarrassed by the lecture he received in the corridor witnessed by staff and tens of visitors… Hillary left that office and never bothered to go back again

He currently runs a kiosk in Chwele

Marehemu Mukwe is turning in his grave on realization that pledges made by his friend at his funeral ended up bringing embarrassment and more pain to his family” concluded my rat

#iKUWEiKUWE Corner

  1. Omwami Governor, why do your people contradict you as much?
  2. Did Chenane insinuate that you lied to the Mukwe’s family and mourners in attendance at large?
  3. When will your chief-of-staff understand that some of the things he does amount to insubordination?



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