In Summary;
- Last days of father Wanyonyi
- Rumors
- Major Achievements
- Zachariah Barasa hosted Father for a week
- Father Chris’ Kindness
- Tributes
Father Christopher Wanyonyi of Bungoma Christ the King Cathedral passes on at Eldoret hospital… He had been transferred to the Eldoret facility on Tuesday, 3 August 2021 after spending about 2.5 months at Bungoma West Hospital for “change of environment” having shown signs of depression possibly because of spending months in a single highly guarded room.
Official announcement by the Church
To the Priests, Deacons, men and Women Religious, the Lay faithful and people of God, Catholic Diocese of Bungoma. I have the sad duty of informing you of the passing on of Fr. Christopher Wanyonyi, up to now Parish Priest of Christ the King Cathedral, Bungoma, which occurred last night shortly before midnight in Eldoret. Fr. was admitted in hospital on 1st July with respiratory complications. As we pray for his soul and especially the faithful he served with a lot of dedication, I urge all of us to remain calm and pray. You shall be informed of any arrangements for his funeral. My condolences to the faithful of Christ the King Cathedral and the entire Bungoma Catholic Diocese faithful. May Fr. Christopher Rest In Peace.
~ Rt. Rev. Joseph Obanyi Sagwe, Apostolic Administrator of Bungoma ~
Last days of father Wanyonyi
Father Wanyonyi was admitted at Bungoma West hospital 1st July 2021 suffering from Covid-19 symptoms
On Wednesday 14 July 2021 rumors flew around announcing the untimely death of father Chris triggering all sorts on social media posts that forced some church officials to seek #iKUWEiKUWE’s assistance in rubbishing the claims. At one-point father was said to be recovering and was to be transferred to private place to rest and/or recover away from human traffic of friends and well-wishers but this did not happen for his health deteriorated just before he was discharged
More rumors kept flying around that the church leadership were just buying time as they put things together especially at the Church and the Christ the King Primary School that father administered almost single handedly… but this too was refuted by the leadership.
On Monday 2 August 2021 a meeting was held where a decision was made to have him transferred to another facility for change of environment having spent in one room for two and a half months and of course for future treatment. This followed his poor response to drugs acquired from India
On Tuesday morning Father Chris Mukakha Wafula who is Father Chris Wanyonyi’s deputy in company of the Speaker to the County Assembly of Bungoma Hon. Emmanuel Situma and Khalaba MCA Hon. Majimbo Okumu visited the ailing priest where Makakha conducted a mass.
Sources indicate that his bill at Bungoma West Hospital was settled by the church in full… Each Sub Parish contributed Kshs. 85,000/=
He passed on yesterday Sunday, 8 August 2021 before midnight
Major Achievements;
Father Wanyonyi having joined the Parish in early 90s before leaving briefly to Chelemuk then Mundika before returning back for good made great milestones while at it but the most notable one is the new towering structure at Bungoma parish. The colorful Consecration of Christ the King Cathedral Parish Church – Bungoma held today Saturday, 8 May 2021 was a climax of this major achievements by the non-nonsense father. This project was mainly funded by Catholics, friends and well-wishers

Zachariah Barasa hosted Father for a week;
Yesterday Sunday, 9 August 2021 Bungoma Gubernatorial aspirant Zachariah Barasa while addressing faithfuls at Kimatuni Catholic church fundraiser indicated that he hosted Father Chris Wanyonyi and his entourage at his Nairobi home for one week when they visited the city on benchmarking mission prior to commencement of constructing the new Bungoma church. Barasa further said that he also organized a meeting where the church leaders met former Nairobi governor Mike Sonko, some top architects as well as visiting major churches in the city.
Father Chris’ Kindness;
The kind and mindful Father on Wednesday, 13 May 2021 donated several bags of maize and assorted clothes to the Bungoma South COVID-19 kitty as one of the CSR activities done by the church he leads. Receiving the donations ACC Kanduyi, Mr. Abdi shakur thanked Fr. Wanyonyi and the Catholic Church at large for their show of kindness to humanity and encouraged other religious units to follow suit

“These items were donated by Catholic faithfuls and Christian school children during Cuaresma/Lent. The donations should also cushion vulnerable families that have been affected by floods… We have been assisting disaster stricken areas far from Bungoma but now that disaster has struck our backyard we must come back home to help our brothers and sisters… Siwezi sahau nyumbani”
said Fr. Wanyonyi
Am still shocked about the devastating news that Rt. Rev. Fr Christopher Wanyonyi of Christ The King Cathedral Bungoma is no more.
Father was my spiritual dad, a mentor and a trusted confidant. Father taught me to stand for truth even if it will make you an enemy of the majority. The residents of Bungoma County at large have lost a moral pillar, a guider and mentor.
May his soul rest in eternal peace , Till we meet again.
~ Hon. John Makali ~
My last major engagement with Father when he tasked me to put labels on portraits (wall hangings) at the GRAND opening of the new Bungoma church building as well as allowing #iKUWEiKUWE to do a LIVESTREAM on the day.
The journalists protest against Wangamati’s threat to Jimmy Simiyu was my last ever to set eyes on you alive at the County commissioner’s offices as you were driving out in company of Timothy Lukorito and others…
RIP Father CW
~ #eDDUHSimiyu ~

REV FATHER Christopher Wanyonyi of Bungoma Christ the King Cathedral was a gifted cleric who delivered powerful yet uncompromising sermons.
A father-figure to thousands of children at Christ the King Primary School, Fr. Wanyonyi was passionate about early childhood education.
He mentored a generation of highly intelligent children whom he clothed with important virtues of life; discipline, integrity and love for humanity.
The inspirational man of cloth was a skillful manager, he leaves behind a modern multimillion 4,000 seater Cathedral, one of its kind in the region.
His death is a blow not only to his family and Catholic fraternity, but Bungoma and Kenya at large. We have lost gentle soul who valued humanity.
I extend our love and thoughts to the family, Christ the King Cathedral Church fraternity and thousands of people whom Fr. Wanyonyi mentored.
Bwana ametoa, Bwana ametwaa, Jina lake lihimidiwe.
~ KNQA CEO Dr. Juma Mukhwana ~