On Thursday, 18 June 2021 the County Assembly of Vihiga convened a special sitting during the morning session where they considered impeachment motions against four CECMs namely;
CECM Depart. of Trade, Industry, Entrepreneurship and Tourism – Eng. Kenneth Elavuna Keseko… on the grounds of abuse of office
CECM Depart. of Administration and Coordination of County Affairs – Hon. Pamela Mbagaya Kimwele… on the grounds of abuse of office
Paul Mbuni – CECM Department of Physical planning, lands and Housing on allegations of nepotism where he allegedly employed his son Martin and also for being incompetent where he allegedly lacked accountability and complete understanding of what goes on in his office
Amos Kutwa – CECM Department of Health – alleged as having failed to curb the unrest of Health Workers, degradation of VCRH from level 5 to 4, failure to implement County Assembly approvals, over recruitment of health workers and delayed salaries of workers.
Having listened to the four accounts, Members of the Assembly voted anonymously in favor of the motions as follows;
32 members voting YES with 5 absentees and 1 abstaining for the first motion
33 voted YES with 5 absentees in the second motion
30 Members voted in favor of the third motion with 8 absentees
30 Members voted YES with 8 absentees for the final motion.
Governor Ottichilo’s statement read as follows;
Following the resolution of the County Assembly of Vihiga approving the report of the Select Committee to have four of my CEC Members dismissed on the grounds stated therein and pursuant to Section 31 (b) as read with Section 40 (a), (b), (c) & (d) (5b) 6(a), (b) of the County Government Act as amended by the County Government Act, 2020; I have complied and immediately effected the dismissals.
As a consequence of the above action, it has become necessary that I reorganize my government to ensure continuous delivery of service within the departments and in the entire County Government.
I have therefore with immediate effect made the following changes:
Vihiga Cabinet reshuffle – CECMsVihiga Cabinet Reshuffle – COs
Apart from the above changes, we shall in collaboration with the County Public Service Board finalize and implement the County Human Resource Audit exercise that has taken a long time to complete. We shall further commence, starting the end of this month, the payment of salaries to our healthcare workers who have not been paid for the last two years.
In addition, we shall effect promotions that have been recommended by the County Human Resource Advisory Committee from the new financial year.
Despite the challenges we have and continue to face, I wish to assure our entire staff that we shall in due course overcome the same and move our county to greater heights. Therefore let us not despair but continue soldiering on in a smart manner.
Last and not least, the Covid-19 pandemic is real and is now having devastating impact on our people. For the last one month we have recorded increasing infections and death in our County. Our isolation beds are now nearing full with Covid-19 patients. If the current trend continues, it is not going to be long before we run out of beds and capacity to take care of patients.
It is because of this reason that the National Government has prescribed stringent measures for our Lake Victoria Region Counties to slow down the spread of this deadly disease. I call upon my people of Vihiga to strictly observe these protocols without fail, particularly avoiding crowding and keeping safe distancing.
God bless both our County and Country.
Thank you.
~ H.E Dr. Wilber K. Ottichilo – Governor, Vihiga County ~
In Summary;
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