Why EACC sleuths arrested Bungoma Deputy County Secretary Isaac Mukenya

Mr. Isaac Mukenya - Deputy County Secretary, Bungoma

In Summary;

  • Arrest reason(s)
  • Correspondence between EACC and County govt (documents)

Bungoma Deputy County Secretary Mr. Isaac Mukenya was today 27 May 2021 arrested by EACC sleuths due failure by the County Government to provide documents related to procurement of Asset Identification, Tagging and Evaluation of County Assets conducted in FY 2016/7. The tender was worth Kshs. 79 million

The then Chief Officer Finance Mr. Chrispinus Barasa was unable to provide the documents in question citing inability to locate them but EACC seems keen to follow up the issue with the current office bearer(s)

A sample of the label

Having taken over from the previous Lusaka administration, Mr. Mukenya who serves in Wangamati’s regime, has also been unable to locate the said documents and has therefore asked EACC to summon those who were in office since they are available and can respond on the whereabouts of the said documents.


EACC demand list
Finance depart writes to County secretary’s office
County Secretary writes to EACC


If he (Chris) committed in writing that he can locate, then it’s tricky for us to get them. Investigations begun way back before we came in office. What will be my intention to hide the documents?
All the Procurement officers in senior positions have changed and nobody can locate these documents
Note that the office of the CS is a coordinating office, we receive communication and relay to relevant departments, either to produce documents or record statements with EACC. We alternatively communicate similarly to EACC. We don’t handle documents
~ Mr. Isaac Mukenya –  Deputy County Secretary, Bungoma ~


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