Wamboka’s strategy for mama Mboga @Khasoko


This Saturday, 24 April 2021 morning Bumula politician Jack Wanami Wamboka was hosted by mama Mbogas from Khasoko location at home of Prof. Edward within Lubunda Village. This is a formidable and solid business wing that had come together not only to get ways of holistically combating the spread of Covid-19 virus but also to discuss various measures aimed at putting their business back on track after being hit by the pandemic.

As a way of empowering small businesses, Wamboka contributed Kshs. 170,000 towards rejuvenating their business and boasting their stock. He also distributed masks to all the attendants as a way of combating the spread of the pandemic.

Wamboka’s empowering campaign strategy;

Wambokas’ campaign strategy is centered towards empowering the community through his Wamboka foundation defined by housing pillar, Health, food security, SMEs and education pillar that has seen him support over 200 students so far on full scholarship.


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