Catherine Wekulo Lichuma, Braxton Wafula’s grandmother started nose bleeding weeks after she had buried her step mom in 2019 prompting her relatives to make a swift decision to take her to hospital but doctors couldn’t find what was causing the bleeding. After a month a friend suggested that they try Mediheal Hospital ~ Eldoret, a suggestion the 65 year-old’s family couldn’t wait implementing since they had tried different health facilities in vain. BUT wait, this is where bad new awaited them… They were informed that her kidney had failed and therefore advised to go for Dialysis.
Normally Dialysis is done thrice a week. In Jan 2021 Braxton’s doctor friend working at Medheal advised him to look for a willing kidney-donor which turned out to be an uphill task.
Dialysis or kidney transplant?
Advantages of Kidney transfer;
- Dialysis can achieve 10-20% of the renal function but after transplant, the renal function is above 50%.
- Kidney transplant provides better life quality than dialysis does
- Kidney transfer increases life expectancy
- Kidney transfer assures less opportunistic infections and generally a happier life.
Apparently, the best kidney is from a living donor however, there existed challenges of getting one. The family had the option of investing in dialysis as they try get a willing donor from family, friend(s) or well-wisher(s). Donors should have compatible blood groups and must be above 25 years and certainly not more than 55 years. Male donors are preferred over females for natural reasons like pregnancy, weight, must have both kidneys actively functioning, must be of good physical and mental status among others.
In 2021 Catherine’s Dialysis treatment was commenced but after some time Braxton asked his doctor friend if there was any another way of treating her once and for all since it was consuming a lot of money and Catherine was tired of dialysis and the road trips to and from hospital. The doctor recommended Kidney transplant… Braxton immediately offered his kidney because of the love he has for herTests were done including; blood group, tissue type for antigens, cross match for antibodies, serology for HIV, hepatitis and baseline lab test like kidney function test, full haemogram test etc.
Cost implications that come with this treatment are huge in Kenya, hospitals like Mediheal do this procedures charging upto Kshs. 1.6million with insurance policies and NHIF able to cushion patients upto 80% of the cost. The rest has is on the patients head including drugs.
Catherine is delighted that her grandson came thru to save her live.