Father Wanyonyi does the unthinkable to avoid ‘Warlords’ at Mama Agnes Ngoya’s burial


In Summary;

  • Father Wanyonyi’s summon (audio)
  • Wamunyinyi’s speech (audio)
  • DG Ngome’s speech (audio)
  • Wangamati’s speech (audio)
  • Photos from the burial
  • #iKUWEiKUWE Corner


 The no nonsense Catholic Church Father was scheduled to officiate the funeral service of the Late Mama Agnes Ngoya at Khaoya village, Bukembe West – Kanduyi Constituency on Tuesday, December 8, 2020 starting 1300hours but stayed away till 1500hours when the last of the two leaders’ left the compound.

Politicians are not good friends…
~ Father Wanyonyi ~

Father is known for his strict and punctual traits over years but on this day the unthinkable happened… Sources close to the governor indicate that Wangamati wanted to take advantage of the burial to meet Father Christopher to explain himself but Father had made up his mind not to interact with politicians and certainly not Wangamati and Wamunyinyi thwarting the County CEOs plans. This follows the disrespectful violent acts the two leaders displayed at Christ the King Cathedral Bungoma Parish on Sunday 6th Dec 2020 where they commandeered an attack on Sen. Malalah, a friend and visitor to the church who had come to support it. It is alleged that Father Wanyonyi is willing to forgive them if they present themselves before the very church to ask for forgiveness from God and the Church at large.

Wangamati’s attempt to stay longer even after Wamunyinyi had left and after he had delivered his speech bore no fruits… father Wanyonyi stayed away, showing up immediately wangamati left the home

Ford Kenya has brought poverty upon us…
~ Father Wanyonyi ~

Unlike the norm Father unexpectedly arrived at 1500hours when the church choir had left their seats to catch a meal leaving the body at the arena, braced the rains that started shortly after and delivered the day’s summon like he always does thanks to his experience and authoritative self… He took on politicians saying “Nilijua kutakuwa na wanasiasa wengi sana, lakini sio marafiki wa kweli…”

FILE PHOTO L-R; Two ladies, #eDDUHSimiyu, Father wanyonyi, Hon. Majimbo and Chris Ndombi at Kitinda Catholic Church fundraiser in December 2019

Here is Father Christopher Wanyonyi’s summon (audio);


Kanduyi MP, Hon. Wafula Wamunyinyi’s highlights;

  1. NEC meant to resolve party leadership dispute, not the courts
  2. Asked Wetangula to stop selling Lusaka
  3. Threatens to suspend Wetangula if he doesn’t toe by the line

Download here; Mama Agnes Ngoya Funeral Prog

Bungoma Deputy Governor, Prof. Charles Ngome highlights;

  1. Requested Wangamati to tarmac;
    • Pamus – Muyayi – Ndengelwa – Nalutiri road
    • Muteremuko – Khaoya – West Kenya road
  2. Blamed Hon. George Makari for Kimaeti violence at Mama Jane wachiye’s burial, followed by Hon. Chris Wamalwa who warned him against stepping foot in Trans Nzoia
  3. Announced that FORD Kenya will NOT field a candidate in Kabuchai and Matungu… Both factions to field independently
  4. Claimed he was Lusaka’s chief campaigner in 2013… Lusaka paid Gachagua 126 million to deliver medical equipment and renovations. They were not delivered.
  5. Also alleged that acquisition of County offices located opposite the governor’s office costed 126 million when the value is 80 million

Hon. Wamunyinyi and DG Ngome’s speech (audio);

Bungoma Governor, Wycliffe Wangamati’s highlights;

  1. Mzee Ngoya was instrumental to his election
  2. Gave Kshs. 20,000 for Catholic Church choir
  3. Gave Kshs. 10,000 for village elders
  4. Gave cash bodabodas and youth
  5. Khalaba, Tuuti/Marakaru, Township, Bukembe East, Bukembe West Wards and part of Kabula and Mateka to form the expanded Bungoma Municipality
  6. Pledged to use the next World Bank disbursement (110 million) to upgrade Pamus – Muyayi – Ndengelwa road … FY 2020/21
  7. Lauded Wangamati Scholarship saying it benefited;
    1. 500 in 2018
    2. 600 in 2019
    3. 650 in 2020
  8. Requested for respect from visiting leaders
  9. Campaigned for BBI highlighting the 35% allocation increment, more constituencies. He also mentioned that Bungoma collected over 200,000 signature

Governor Wangamati’s speech (audio);

Read; https://ikuweikuwe.com/2020/12/07/chaos-in-church-as-vihiga-bungoma-kakamega-senators-are-attacked-by-kanduyi-mp-bungoma-governors-hired-goons/

Father Wanyonyi’s highlights;

  • Love
  • Humbleness
  • Togetherness
  • True friendship


#iKUWEiKUWE Corner;

  • What the governor is NOT telling us is the bursary fund is dry with nothing to show this financial year… It is alleged that funds were diverted to Covid-19… AGAIN. The Education bosses have always found it difficult to explain the whereabouts of these funds.
  • Wangamati had to first pledge handouts of over Kshs. 30,000 (church choir, village elders, youth/bodaboda) so as to have a soft landing … BUT I want to applaud him for shaking off the idea of importing goons and instead embracing our proposal of paying locals to guard him… BUT Wangamati must still avoid asking mourners to escort him in return for handouts when the burial ceremony is ongoing.
  • The political games of having Wamunyinyi speak before Wangamati only happens when Wetangula is around… At Mama Agnes’ burial, Wamunyinyi comfortably spoke before the Deputy Governor and Governor
  • DG seems to have a warthog’s memory; Just recently Wangamati’s regime signed an IRREGULAR 2year fuel supply tender with WEBMAR petrol station… just like Lusaka’s… BOTH ARE WRONG but Wangamati’s regime seems keen to publish Lusaka’s mistakes while on the other hand it’s perfectly implementing the same.

Photos from the burial function;


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