Chief Officer Makhandia demystifies Governor Wangamati’s Village Admins propaganda

Mr. Edward Makhandia - Chief Officer Economic Planning ~ Bungoma County

In Summary;

  • Assembly proceedings
  • The Annual Budget Estimates report
  • #iKUWEiKUWE Corner

Chief Officer (CO) Economic Planning Mr. Edward Makhandia today Tuesday, November 24, 2020 demystified the executive’s propaganda that Bungoma County has funds to employ Village Administrators. Speaking during his appearance before the Public Administration and ICT committee, the CO distanced himself from any claims that he advised the executive to employ Village Administrator saying he understands very well the budgetary allocations.

The CO who had been summoned to clear the air on the issue surrounding the irregular advert intended at employing 236 village administrators was at one point asked by the committee to read the Budget report on the issue, which he did before concluded that his office was not involved in coming up with the decision to employ village admins… “Our attempt to advise (esp. the Public Administration depart) against this employment fell on deaf ears” said the gentleman from Bumula

IN SHORT; The CO indicated that there are no funds to employ village admins



During the budget consideration process and therefore report dated July 2020 the house pronounced itself and subsequently adopted recommendations by the BUDGET AND APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE to expunge the employment of village admins. [Page 39]

Constitutionally, any matter that has been resolved on by the house, cannot be rescinded until after 6months

Here is an extract from the July 2020 Budget report…

Mr. Speaker,
The department has proposed an annual budget for financial year 2020/2021 with a total allocation of Kshs. 339,976,577. This amount includes Kshs. 8,465,248 allocated to devolved units in the sub-counties for their day to day operations.
Personnel emolument has an allocation of Kshs. 240,907,510. The committee wanted to know if provision had been made towards employment of village administrators. Submission from the department revealed that the allocation had not been captured under the personnel budget yet due to limited ceiling on the department. In view of the sector committee’s report, it was resolved that wages and benefits for the proposed village administrators be expunged in toto given that the House has not yet approved their employment. Inter alia, the village administrative units are yet to be delineated/demarcated.


Download Budget here; BC ANNUAL BUDGET final report

#iKUWEiKUWE Corner;

  • CO Makhandia is ostensibly employed to advise Bungoma Governor Wycliffe Wangamati and entire executive on matters planning the County Economy… Of what essence does he continue earning salary if his advice is not only ignored by his very boss by other executives too. Should we then consider scrapping off this position for it looks like a waste of public funds
  • Kazi ya County Attorney ni gani? It’s important that he is summoned too. The public needs to know what Cyril Wayongo tells Wangamati behind closed doors…
  • Bungoma County; Business licence renewal notice


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