County Assembly of Bungoma shuts down, these MCAs to take a mandatory covid-19 test


County Assembly of Bungoma shuts down, these MCAs to take a mandatory covid-19 test

Sitting in Kisumu today Monday, October 12, 2020 the County Assembly leadership has unanimously agreed to the cancel appointments they have with Bungoma County executives for fear of spreading Covid-19 virus that’s now not a secret within the County. The decision was reached after it became evident that the executive is a Covid-19 hotspot after few of them were alleged to be positive but unwilling to accept and therefore inform the public

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The leadership has also resolved to shut down the assembly for at least 2 weeks starting tomorrow Tuesday, October 13, 2020 where voluntary testing will be conducted on all assembly staff and MCAs. An #iKUWEiKUWE rat in the high profile meeting indicates that the following MCAs are expected to take a mandatory test ASAP since they are always close the governor;

Hons. Joram, Balala. Wamusai, Lusenaka, Millie, Elvis, Paul, Rosemary, Mulongo among others

All sector committees of the County Assembly of Bungoma has retreated to Kisumu to interrogate the Annual development plan

In the meantime, a meeting is underway to discuss Mashujaa day celebration… My #iKUWEiKUWE rat in the corridors of power alludes that Conspicuously absent in the meeting is Governor Wangamati.

Chelongo a governor’s advisor is also alleged to be down with Covid-19 too


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