Governor accused of using Covid-19 funds to treat former MCAs
In line with his new tactic in tackling those MCAs who are not sycophantic to him, Bungoma governor Wycliffe Wangamati is accused to have hatched plan to force them toe the line or have themselves sleepless nights courtesy former MCAs who obviously enjoy a certain percentage of support in their respective wards. Having met the former MCAs severally recently in a bid to convince them to attend Wanga-3 (three years in office celebrations at Kibabii University) where each was paid an attendance fee of Kshs. 3,000 and the recent meetings in Ndivisi and Mihuu wards whose appearance allowance is 2,000 for former MCAs and 5,000 for incumbents accompanying the county boss, the governor seems to have the former MCAs in his pocket
Former MCA’s on a 2 days retreat in kisumu at joventure hotel with covid19 vote head, to lure them campaign for him. He promises to fund their campaigns against errant/radical mcas. Former councilors wonder why they were left out.
~ Hon. Grace Sundukwa ~
The participants mostly drawn from and not limited to 38 wards whose incumbent MCAs are pro-Summit reported in Kisumu on Tuesday, September 29, 2020 for a 2-day consultative meeting at Joventure hotel where they were expected to come up with ways to tame the Summit. Sources say the real meeting took place on Wednesday and Thursday but they were paid allowances for 4 days each taking home Kshs. 14,500 per day an equivalent of what the assembly pays MCAs on official duty. The governor is alleged to have addressed them for about an hour at night… A section of MCAs are now alleging that Covid-19 funds were used to facilitate this meeting and have now tasked the health committee to get to the bottom of it

An #iKUWEiKUWE rat in attendance informs the agenda included;
- Former MCAs pension
- Taming non-sycophantic MCAs
- Covid-19 training
- Working relationship with County govt
The summit is an outfit comprising of Bungoma County MCAs who came together to make changes in the leadership of the assembly where they successfully removed pro-Wangamati MCAs from leadership positions
Rejoinder; A senior official in the PIONEER MCAs OF BUNGOMA COUNTY, an outfit that was instrumental in planning the Kisumu meeting confirms that indeed it took place with agendas;
- Political interest;
- Consolidating own political base
- Presidential campaigns
- Putting the County Assembly in check – They must be reminded of their roles, stopped from ‘fighting’ the executive
- Personal Interests; Engaging the County government in terms of appointments/Business opportunities
Yes! we are in touch with the Governor Wangamati, Senator Wetangula and Senate Speaker Rt. Hon. Ken Lusaka. “We finance ourselves” concluded the senior official