In Summary;
- Official complaint (video)
- Related documents
Mayanja residents are appealing to Bungoma County and National governments through the lands office to move with speed and help them get justice following the inability and unwillingness of the local leadership to assist them resolve a long standing land dispute that has seen an access road to their homes blocked after a daughter to the old man who sold them land built her house on the only road they had.
Ben Wafula Wangila a resident bought a parcel number E. Bukusu / N. Kanduyi 9762 from Mzee Simon Wandicho (omusaba) at Mayanja village in June 2008 and immediately embarked on processing title deeds which involved succession. Three years later Jackline Ndicho, mzee Simons daughter put up a home on the very road they used to access their home. Jackline was once married but later divorced before coming back home to erect a house on the road
Ben, Everlyne Sindani and neighbours reported the matter at Tuuti/Marakaru Location Chief Robert Wetungu’s office who ordered the fence to be demolished but not for long since it was rebuilt immediately by Jackline. The chief for the second time instructed another demolition but once again it was rebuilt. A demolition was done the third time but once again the fence was re-built. Feeling defeated the aggrieved residents asked the Chief to give another alternative where he suggested they address the issue at the Clan level.
Chief Wetungu then wrote a letter to the elders but it did not have a date and was therefore null and void. Ben and his neighbours then resorted to visit the area DO for assistance since it was becoming evident that the Chief was colluding with their oppressors. The DO asked Ben to get a letter from the Chief on the same so as to assist him handle the issue from a known position but the Chief declined to draft one and abandoned Ben in his office. The baffled DO then took it upon himself to write a letter to the District Land Surveyor, Mr. Amos who visited the site in company of the Baasaba Clan National Chairman.
The land surveyor confirmed that Jackline had encroached on the road and was therefore required to vacate. He then wrote a letter to Sindani the town planner who then wrote a 7-day ENFORCEMENT NOTICE to Jackline Ndicho (encroacher) and copied to the Reinforcement depart. on 27/08/2020 (see attached). In the letter she was instructed to remove her structure within 7 days’ failure to which the County Government of Bungoma would then move in to enforce the order. Jackeline was nevertheless given an option of contesting the notice by 20th Aug 2020 if she felt aggrieved a move that would have seen the order suspended pending determination of the appeal but she never did so.
The notice expired without a reaction from Jackline and the County government also went silent on the matter…
When Ben visited the Reinforcement office he was required to pay Kshs. 20,000 as facilitation for the eviction. Money that Ben and his neighbours could not raise having paid 6,000 to the lands office for search and determination of beacons.
I will beat and breast feed you.., Hilda threatened a land dispute victim in front of the SMILING but SILENT Chief
Back home Jackline and her terror-mate one Hilda have been having a field day terrorizing anyone they cares to with a lot of impunity as law enforcers look the other way. Yesterday in partnership with Hilda they organized goons to attack MAMA-PEACE a resident who has been pushing for the creation of a road, they threw stones at her house before hilda rushed to report at the Chief’s office, the very chief who has failed for years to settle the issue since he is a relative to Jackline and is now said to be having a juicier relationship with Hilda. When MAMA-PEACE showed up to register her own report on the attack, Hilda (the Chief’s woman-friend and attacker) showed up breathing fire shouting “… Ndakhupa, khununie…” meaning I’ll beat and bread feed you … All this happened in front of a SMILING and SILENT chief.
Later Mama-Peace, the victim whose house was damaged received a summon from the SAME Chief to appear before him today Tuesday, September 15, 2020 at 10;00 hours to explain why she was attacked (such a nonsensical summon)… This came as a surprise because she was the one who was attacked and had gone to report… At this point the victims thought of making the World know what’s going on.., #iKUWEiKUWE was notified

In a rejoinder;
- Sichangi indicates that there was a misunderstanding… The reinforcement team is never paid by the County for such services AND they can only visit the site in company of uniformed and armed Police just incase of a retaliation. He says such an operation demands that they plan well with the Police
- Chief Robert acts ignorant of the land tussles but insists that he summoned mama-peace so that she could explain why she was attacked
- Efforts to reach Inspector Mwangi and Sindani the town planner were futile
#iKUWEiKUWE has from reliable sources leant;
- The main huddle to justice here is Mr. Robert Wetungu the Chief
- The Chief and Jackline (offender) are from the same Clan; that’s why victims will never be assisted by the Chief
- The relationship between the Chief and the Hilda (not a relative by blood) has misadvised him to make very skewed and unfair determination(s) on this matter
- The chief always colludes with the offenders so as to scare Ben and other victims who bought land to leave the properties for them to take them over
- The reinforcement team is now willing to assist
- Jackline Ndicho is the Eldest daughter in the family of 3 girls of mzee Ndicho’s first wife
- Thru the Chief the offenders have pocketed the Police who have failed to act on the numerous OBs as reported by the aggrieved on differenced incidences
- The police too must stop playing partisan… Am informed that they collude with the chief and the two ladies (Hilda/Jackline) to deny residents justice