In Summary;
- Names of benefiting blood donors
- Insight on the blood donation drive
- Sponsors/Partners
- Benefits
#iKUWEiKUWE Movement is an advocacy organization that focuses on sharing Information through Social Media platforms with a keen eye on Accountability and Transparency in our society. Since its inception #iKUWEiKUWE Movement has acted as the People’s most trusted watchdog highlighting issues both in the Public and Private sectors
Our Key pillars are;
Having been alive to the fact that the Country was facing a serious blood shortage, #iKUWEiKUWE Movement during it’s #iKUWEiKUWE STAKEHOLDERS END-YEAR EVENT sort to partner with the Bungoma County govt. and Kenya National Blood Transfusion Services (KNBTS) to conduct a blood donation drive to fill the gap. After getting a node from the Chief Officer Health ~ Mr. Patrick Wandili and the KNBTS Bungoma County coordinator Mr. Thomas Wekesa… We then proceeded to seek partnership with other entities (named below) to make the two days event a success.
- BLOOD DONATION DRIVE netted 114 units of blood (as recorded by KNBTS):
- KMTC Grounds 43
- Town (Bus Park) 51
- Tesia Supermarket (Kanduyi) 20
The blood harvested during that occasion gave a lease of life to many patients in Bungoma County and beyond… See photos in links provided below
- Visited and Shared some love with Bungoma Bible School Children’s home (Musikoma)
- We delivered food and nonfood stuffs (See appreciation letter and photos attached)
KNBTS has therefore acknowledged #iKUWEiKUWE Movement’s effort as and rewarded the LIFE-SAVERS who donated blood during this event with donor cards;
Benefits of being a blood donor;
- Reduced risk of heart attack
- Reduced risk of cancer
- Get free checkup to prevent potential health problems
- Increased life span
- Boost your immune system
- Reduce weight
- Saving lives
Benefits of holding a DONOR’S CARD;
- Good for emergencies i.e. Should an accident victim need urgent blood transfusion; the card will inform health workers on the blood type whether the patient is conscious or not. Note; Apart from tests, donors no verbal information is admissible / acceptable
- Altruism: Recognition as a life-saver
- Reminder on scheduled donations – A donor is informed on when to donate next
The following LIFE SAVERS who donated blood during the #iKUWEiKUWE STAKEHOLDERS END-YEAR EVENT in Dec 2019 as described above should visit #iKUWEiKUWE headquarters at Railways Park – Bungoma and collect their DONOR’s CARDS;
No. | Name | Card No. |
1 | Hon. George Makari, MCA Musikoma | |
2 | Hon. Okumu Majimbo, MCA Khalaba Ward | |
3 | Hon. Luke Opwora, Nominated MCA | |
4 | Edward Simiyu (#eDDUHSimiyu) | |
5 | Wanjala Phillip | |
6 | Edger Kisala | |
7 | Martha Marion | |
8 | Nafula Ann Wafula | |
9 | Mutoro Aggrey Juma | |
10 | Tenge Anaclet | |
11 | Wakwabubi Kizito | |
12 | Christus Wekesa | |
13 | Aliang’ana Collins | |
14 | Alvitsa Jacklyne | |
15 | Amakopi Wycliffe | |
16 | Amwayi Leister | |
17 | Barasa Benjamin | |
18 | Bemba Dickson | |
19 | Benjamin Nkurunzinza | |
20 | Bukoma Babile | |
21 | Bwire Ann Mildred | |
22 | Chimakile Dennis | |
23 | Collins Masinde | |
24 | Edwin Kahiga | |
25 | Emmanuel Sifuna Matere | |
26 | Eric Rotich | |
27 | Eseli David Imo | |
28 | Faith Nelima Makulo | |
29 | Gloria Wafula | |
30 | Issack Juma | |
31 | James Wamukoya | |
32 | Japhred Olweri | |
33 | Juma John | |
34 | Juma Mukhwana | |
35 | Kennedy Irura | |
36 | Khatenge Esther | |
37 | Kigen Levy | |
38 | Kiprotich Kelvin | |
39 | Kutayi Jackson | |
40 | Kyalo Kilo Appolos | |
41 | Lang’at Kenneth | |
42 | Lenkol Ruth Wafula | |
43 | Luga Brian | |
44 | Maasai Belsheba | |
45 | Mabunga Martin | |
46 | Magak Lorraine | |
47 | Makulo Maria Blessing | |
48 | Martha Wairimu | |
49 | Martin Sikuku Anindo | |
50 | Matimbayi Erick | |
51 | Mechumo Naliaka Diana | |
52 | Michael Wanyonyi | |
53 | Mulekha Lucy Khamala | |
54 | Mulilo Wycliffe | |
55 | Musera Robert | |
56 | Musungu Moses | |
57 | Musungu Timothy | |
58 | Mutali Robert | |
59 | Mwanikha Happtton | |
60 | Nafwora Martin | |
61 | Nalianya Kevin Ngome | |
62 | Nalika Caren | |
63 | Ndiku Petronila | |
64 | Ngugi Munene | |
65 | Nguthi Mbuve | |
66 | Njoroge Eliud | |
67 | Nyongesa Douglas | |
68 | Nyongesa Everlyne | |
69 | Ochieng Francis | |
70 | Ochieng Joseph | |
71 | Ogutu Chelsea Vanessa | |
72 | Okwara Alpine | |
73 | Okwaro Patrick | |
74 | Ombeyi Francis | |
75 | Omondi Vincent | |
76 | Omurwa Geoffrey | |
77 | Omusa Douglas | |
78 | Onyango Owen | |
79 | Onyango Siphine | |
80 | Otieno Moses Bill | |
81 | Peter Khaemba | |
82 | Rotich Kiplang’at | |
83 | Sakwa Ian Luyonga | |
84 | Shamwana Lydia | |
85 | Sikhonya Catherine | |
86 | Simiyu Abraham | |
87 | Simiyu Vannel | |
88 | Simon Simiyu | |
89 | Situma Dennis | |
90 | Sogot Solomon | |
91 | Soita Issac | |
92 | Wabwile Robert | |
93 | Wabwile Wanjala Dennis | |
94 | Wafula Moses Wanjala | |
95 | Wafula Simiyu Joel | |
96 | Wakhulia Tom | |
97 | Wamalwa Oscar | |
98 | Wangui Diana | |
99 | Wanjala Godwin | |
100 | Wanjala Reuben | |
101 | Wanjala Vincent | |
102 | Wanyonyi Robinson | |
103 | Waswa Celestine | |
104 | Wefwila Dennis | |
105 | Wenani Elizabeth Nasike | |
106 | Wenani Kennedy | |
- Carry your National ID card for verification purposes
- If you donated blood but you happen not to find your name here… Please reach out for an explanation and/or provision.
#iKUWEiKUWE Movement therefore wishes to extend its sincere gratitude to these organizations / individuals as we look forward to more partnerships and a better working relationship in future with a view of BETTERING our society: 👇
- Kenya National Blood Transfusion Services
- Bungoma County Govt – Ministry of Health
- County Assembly of Bungoma
- The Kenya Police
- Khetia’s Supermarket
- Life Care hospital
- Fountain Health care
- Elgon View Premier Hospital
- Bungoma Chemist
- Adatia Wholesalers
- Orange Solutions
- The office of Mama County – Catherine Wambilianga
- SaSa Radio
- Kenya Red Cross
- Landex Group ltd
- TV Magharibi
- DAWAMEDS Hospital
- SASANA guest house
- St. Damiano Mission hospital
- Khalaba Medical Services
- Alpharama Co. Ltd
- Bungoma West Hospital
- Wanyenje Sounds
- Transport industry (Bodaboda/Taxi/Pickups/Matatu)
- Tesia Supermarket
- Catholic Church
- Wepukhulu Foundation
- The Duke Hotel
- Twin Peaks Sports Club
- The Outlaws Lounge
- Davis and Shirtliff
- Kenya Medical training College (KMTC)
- Kibabii Diploma Teachers’ Training College

- Fr. Christopher Wanyonyi – Bungoma Catholic Parish
- Eng. Maina Ngunya, Guest of Honor
- Isaac Opicho Fungututi, Asst. Guest of Honor
- Dr. Amin Sheikh
- Dr. Jamila
- Patrick Wandili, Chief Officer Ministry of Health
- Edwin Sifuna ~ ODM SG
- Didmus Barasa, Hon. MP Kimilili
- Catherine Wambilianga, Hon. Woman rep
- Emmanuel Situma, Hon. Speaker ~ County Assembly of Bungoma
- Majimbo Okumu, Hon. MCA Khalaba
- George Makari, Hon. MCA Musikoma
- Godfrey Osotsi, Hon. Nominated MP
- Pepela Martin, Hon. MCA Ndivisi
- Ken Nganga, KNUT Secretary
- Stephen Wafula, Hon. MCA Mitua / Soysambu
- Joseph Nyongesa, Hon. MCA Tuuti / Marakaru
- Opwora Luke, Hon. MCA Nominated
- Tony Barasa, Hon. MCA Lwandanyi
- Wamusai Simiyu, Hon. MCA Siboti
- Melda – Bungoma County LAB SCIENTIST
- Noel Makeni
- Abraham Wanyonyi
- Robert Wafula – Kenya Red Cross Society
- Thomas Wekesa, KNBTS

Please follow the links below to access more info on the events and other updates as posted on #iKUWEiKUWE Movement Facebook group;
On behalf of #iKUWEiKUWE Movement, I would like to THANK you for PARTNERING/SPONSORING our CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY event that took place on December 20-21st, 2019.
For more info, please contact;
- #eDDUHSimiyu 0721 956027 ~ Leader
- Phillip Wanjala 0723 107 576 ~ Secretary General
- Edgar Kisala 0714 306 581 ~ Welfare