iKUWEiKUWE Blood Donors recognized by KNBTS


In Summary;

  • Names of benefiting blood donors
  • Insight on the blood donation drive
  • Sponsors/Partners
  • Benefits

#iKUWEiKUWE Movement is an advocacy organization that focuses on sharing Information through Social Media platforms with a keen eye on Accountability and Transparency in our society. Since its inception #iKUWEiKUWE Movement has acted as the People’s most trusted watchdog highlighting issues both in the Public and Private sectors

Our Key pillars are;



Having been alive to the fact that the Country was facing a serious blood shortage, #iKUWEiKUWE Movement during it’s #iKUWEiKUWE STAKEHOLDERS END-YEAR EVENT sort to partner with the Bungoma County govt. and Kenya National Blood Transfusion Services (KNBTS) to conduct a blood donation drive to fill the gap. After getting a node from the Chief Officer Health ~ Mr. Patrick Wandili and the KNBTS Bungoma County coordinator Mr. Thomas Wekesa… We then proceeded to seek partnership with other entities (named below) to make the two days event a success.

  1. BLOOD DONATION DRIVE netted 114 units of blood (as recorded by KNBTS):
  • KMTC Grounds                      43
  • Town (Bus Park)                    51
  • Tesia Supermarket (Kanduyi) 20

The blood harvested during that occasion gave a lease of life to many patients in Bungoma County and beyond… See photos in links provided below

  1. Visited and Shared some love with Bungoma Bible School Children’s home (Musikoma)
  • We delivered food and nonfood stuffs (See appreciation letter and photos attached)

KNBTS has therefore acknowledged #iKUWEiKUWE Movement’s effort as and rewarded the LIFE-SAVERS who donated blood during this event with donor cards;

Benefits of being a blood donor;

    1. Reduced risk of heart attack
    2. Reduced risk of cancer
    3. Get free checkup to prevent potential health problems
    4. Increased life span
    5. Boost your immune system
    6. Reduce weight
    7. Saving lives

Benefits of holding a DONOR’S CARD;

      1. Good for emergencies i.e. Should an accident victim need urgent blood transfusion; the card will inform health workers on the blood type whether the patient is conscious or not. Note; Apart from tests, donors no verbal information is admissible / acceptable
      2. Altruism: Recognition as a life-saver
      3. Reminder on scheduled donations – A donor is informed on when to donate next

The following LIFE SAVERS who donated blood during the #iKUWEiKUWE STAKEHOLDERS END-YEAR EVENT in Dec 2019 as described above should visit #iKUWEiKUWE headquarters at Railways Park – Bungoma and collect their DONOR’s CARDS;

No. Name Card No.
1 Hon. George Makari, MCA Musikoma
2 Hon. Okumu Majimbo, MCA Khalaba Ward
3 Hon. Luke Opwora, Nominated MCA
4 Edward Simiyu (#eDDUHSimiyu)
5 Wanjala Phillip
6 Edger Kisala
7 Martha Marion
8 Nafula Ann Wafula
9 Mutoro Aggrey Juma
10 Tenge Anaclet
11 Wakwabubi Kizito
12 Christus Wekesa
13 Aliang’ana Collins
14 Alvitsa Jacklyne
15 Amakopi Wycliffe
16 Amwayi Leister
17 Barasa Benjamin
18 Bemba Dickson
19 Benjamin Nkurunzinza
20 Bukoma Babile
21 Bwire Ann Mildred
22 Chimakile Dennis
23 Collins Masinde
24 Edwin Kahiga
25 Emmanuel Sifuna Matere
26 Eric Rotich
27 Eseli David Imo
28 Faith Nelima Makulo
29 Gloria Wafula
30 Issack Juma
31 James Wamukoya
32 Japhred Olweri
33 Juma John
34 Juma Mukhwana
35 Kennedy Irura
36 Khatenge Esther
37 Kigen Levy
38 Kiprotich Kelvin
39 Kutayi Jackson
40 Kyalo Kilo Appolos
41 Lang’at Kenneth
42 Lenkol Ruth Wafula
43 Luga Brian
44 Maasai Belsheba
45 Mabunga Martin
46 Magak Lorraine
47 Makulo Maria Blessing
48 Martha Wairimu
49 Martin Sikuku Anindo
50 Matimbayi Erick
51 Mechumo Naliaka Diana
52 Michael Wanyonyi
53 Mulekha Lucy Khamala
54 Mulilo Wycliffe
55 Musera Robert
56 Musungu Moses
57 Musungu Timothy
58 Mutali Robert
59 Mwanikha Happtton
60 Nafwora Martin
61 Nalianya Kevin Ngome
62 Nalika Caren
63 Ndiku Petronila
64 Ngugi Munene
65 Nguthi Mbuve
66 Njoroge Eliud
67 Nyongesa Douglas
68 Nyongesa Everlyne
69 Ochieng Francis
70 Ochieng Joseph
71 Ogutu Chelsea Vanessa
72 Okwara Alpine
73 Okwaro Patrick
74 Ombeyi Francis
75 Omondi Vincent
76 Omurwa Geoffrey
77 Omusa Douglas
78 Onyango Owen
79 Onyango Siphine
80 Otieno Moses Bill
81 Peter Khaemba
82 Rotich Kiplang’at
83 Sakwa Ian Luyonga
84 Shamwana Lydia
85 Sikhonya Catherine
86 Simiyu Abraham
87 Simiyu Vannel
88 Simon Simiyu
89 Situma Dennis
90 Sogot Solomon
91 Soita Issac
92 Wabwile Robert
93 Wabwile Wanjala Dennis
94 Wafula Moses Wanjala
95 Wafula Simiyu Joel
96 Wakhulia Tom
97 Wamalwa Oscar
98 Wangui Diana
99 Wanjala Godwin
100 Wanjala Reuben
101 Wanjala Vincent
102 Wanyonyi Robinson
103 Waswa Celestine
104 Wefwila Dennis
105 Wenani Elizabeth Nasike
106 Wenani Kennedy


  • Carry your National ID card for verification purposes
  • If you donated blood but you happen not to find your name here… Please reach out for an explanation and/or provision.

#iKUWEiKUWE Movement therefore wishes to extend its sincere gratitude to these organizations / individuals as we look forward to more partnerships and a better working relationship in future with a view of BETTERING our society: 👇

  1. Kenya National Blood Transfusion Services
  2. Bungoma County Govt – Ministry of Health
  3. County Assembly of Bungoma
  4. The Kenya Police
  5. Khetia’s Supermarket
  6. Life Care hospital
  7. Fountain Health care
  8. Elgon View Premier Hospital
  9. Bungoma Chemist
  10. Adatia Wholesalers
  11. Orange Solutions
  12. The office of Mama County – Catherine Wambilianga
  13. SaSa Radio
  14. Kenya Red Cross
  15. Landex Group ltd
  16. TV Magharibi
  17. DAWAMEDS Hospital
  18. SASANA guest house
  19. St. Damiano Mission hospital
  20. Khalaba Medical Services
  21. Alpharama Co. Ltd
  22. Bungoma West Hospital
  23. Wanyenje Sounds
  24. Transport industry (Bodaboda/Taxi/Pickups/Matatu)
  25. Tesia Supermarket
  26. Catholic Church
  27. Wepukhulu Foundation
  28. The Duke Hotel
  29. Twin Peaks Sports Club
  30. The Outlaws Lounge
  31. Davis and Shirtliff
  32. Kenya Medical training College (KMTC)
  33. Kibabii Diploma Teachers’ Training College
#iKUWEiKUWE Movement’s members after donation blood


  1. Fr. Christopher Wanyonyi – Bungoma Catholic Parish
  2. Eng. Maina Ngunya, Guest of Honor
  3. Isaac Opicho Fungututi, Asst. Guest of Honor
  4. Dr. Amin Sheikh
  5. Dr. Jamila
  6. Patrick Wandili, Chief Officer Ministry of Health
  7. Edwin Sifuna ~ ODM SG
  8. Didmus Barasa, Hon. MP Kimilili
  9. Catherine Wambilianga, Hon. Woman rep
  10. Emmanuel Situma, Hon. Speaker ~ County Assembly of Bungoma
  11. Majimbo Okumu, Hon. MCA Khalaba
  12. George Makari, Hon. MCA Musikoma
  13. Godfrey Osotsi, Hon. Nominated MP
  14. Pepela Martin, Hon. MCA Ndivisi
  15. Ken Nganga, KNUT Secretary
  16. Stephen Wafula, Hon. MCA Mitua / Soysambu
  17. Joseph Nyongesa, Hon. MCA Tuuti / Marakaru
  18. Opwora Luke, Hon. MCA Nominated
  19. Tony Barasa, Hon. MCA Lwandanyi
  20. Wamusai Simiyu, Hon. MCA Siboti
  21. Melda – Bungoma County LAB SCIENTIST
  22. Noel Makeni
  23. Abraham Wanyonyi
  24. Robert Wafula – Kenya Red Cross Society
  25. Thomas Wekesa, KNBTS
L-R; #eDDUHSimiyu, Father Christopher Wanyonyi (Bungoma Parish), Hon. Majimbo and Chris Ndombi at Kitinda Catholic Church where Father Wanyonyi encouraged faithfuls to turn up in large numbers for the blood donation as Hon Majimbo and I educated faithfuls on the importance of donating blood and the day’s program respectively

Please follow the links below to access more info on the events and other updates as posted on #iKUWEiKUWE Movement Facebook group;

  1. https://m.facebook.com/groups/172326520314211?view=permalink&id=437926830420844
  2. https://m.facebook.com/groups/172326520314211?view=permalink&id=438419740371553
  3. https://m.facebook.com/groups/172326520314211?view=permalink&id=430379097842284
  4. https://m.facebook.com/groups/172326520314211?view=permalink&id=439047896975404
  5. https://m.facebook.com/groups/172326520314211?view=permalink&id=434081927472001

 On behalf of #iKUWEiKUWE Movement, I would like to THANK you for PARTNERING/SPONSORING our CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY event that took place on December 20-21st, 2019.

For more info, please contact;

  • #eDDUHSimiyu  0721 956027 ~ Leader
  • Phillip Wanjala   0723 107 576 ~ Secretary General
  • Edgar Kisala      0714 306 581 ~ Welfare



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