Wangamati sponsors recall petitions for two Bungoma MCAs

Bungoma Governor, Wycliffe Wangamati


The aftershocks of the Assembly battles that saw some ground shaking changes in leadership right from the Majority leader and Deputy speaker to committee chairs, the executive has been unsettled and therefore been scheming on how best to revenge against the summit (Team-change MCAs) leading to what’s being witnessed lately including misusing of the police to harass Hons Tindi and Musebe to now sponsoring recall petitions.


On Saturday, August 01, 2020 from 1100 hours to 1500 hours, Dr. Antony Walela held a lengthy meeting in West Bukusu Ward at Backview Hotel – Mayanja Kibuke. During the meeting the Health CECM informed the selected participants that ‘they’ are under instructions from Governor Wangamati to sponsor/facilitate the removal of those MCAs who are in the summit an outfit that successfully fought for the removal of pro-Wangamati MCAs from the County Assembly of Bungoma leadership. He said Hon. Sospeter being the area MCA is among those who should go home at all costs.

A petition form meant to recall Mihuu MCA, Hon. Violet Makhanu

Dr. Walela found himself in a tight spot when some of the 26 participants demanded to know why the area MCA was NOT at the meeting to defend himself forcing the CECM to reluctantly promise a second meeting that will incorporate the targeted leader. He then dished out 26 recall forms to them with a promise of giving each 20,000/= upon delivery of a fully signed form. Each participant then left the meeting 350/= richer with Walela tongue lashing Kisika the convener of the meeting asking him to explain why he invited MCA Sospeter’s sympathizers.

Today Monday, August 3, 2020 Dr. Walela handed more forms to one Juma Basakhila even before the second meeting with area MCA as promised while Deputy Governor Prof. Charles Ngome released others for Mihuu Ward to recall area MCA, Hon. Violet Makhanu who has received all sorts of threats over time from Governor Wangamati himself following her refusal to be his sycophant.




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