2 MCAs summoned as Police pursue Wangamati’s claims, ignoring earlier OB reports

Hon. Tindi Manasseh - MCA Tongaren Ward

In Summary;

  • MCAs OB reports
  • County govt’s OB reports
  • Police biasness

Governor Wangamati’s tour to Tongaren on Saturday, July 4, 2020 was quite dramatic to say the least. The Bungoma CEO found himself in trouble when area MCA, Hon Tindi Manasseh and Nominated MCA Fred Musebe arrived and were allowed to address. Wangamati’s security detail popularly known as executive goons rained kicks and blows on Hon Musebe for dressing down Chief Office Caro Masete… That’s what turned the event upside down for a while before calm was restored. Wangamati was later twice chased by Tongaren residents from subsequent events within the same Constituency that afternoon

Related; https://ikuweikuwe.com/2020/07/10/why-governor-wangamati-was-chased-twice-in-tongaren-despite-goodies/


  • Tindi reported the incident at Tongaren police station, a station located in Tongaren ward and is nearest to the venue where it all happened. Her OB number is 04/08/07/2020

The police have done NOTHING since then

  • Fred Musebe is also said to have reported at Mbakalo police (Mbakalo ward). This is the second nearest police station to the venue… OB No. 16/05/07/2020

The police have done NOTHING since then

  • Governor Wangamati through his aides have reported in Bungoma (2 Constituencies away) which in turn gave what is being termed by Mukuyuni police as “ORDERS FROM ABOVE”. Instructions were clear that the MCAs upon arrival were to be bundled in a fully fueled police car to the courts but the MCAs were saved their lawyer who demanded that they be allowed time. They are accused of disrupting Wangamati’s meeting


  • Caro masete the Chief Officer in the department of Youth and Sports has reported Hon. Tindi the area MCA
  • Chasper Kunanianga (Wangamati’s top security aide) has reported Fred Musebe. Chasper is the one who viciously attacked Hon. Musebe and is now playing victim with the protection of the Police and Wangamati
  • Over 10 MCAs led by leader of majority Hon Juma Nyongesa in solidarity with Tongaren MCA Tindi and Nominated MCA Fred Musebe at Mukuyuni police @30-72020

Remember; Tomorrow being a holiday, #iKUWEiKUWE Updates is informed that the MCAs would somehow have been denied bail if they had been arraigned in court today on grounds of being security threats to governor Wangamati… They’d then be remanded up to next week pending investigations on the same

They are expected to be arraigned in court on Monday, Aug 3, 2020


  • The police should handle reports as received, why ignore the assaulted leader’s reports recorded about a month ago but issue “orders from above” to protect someone who has 400 million to employ enough staff around him if he likes?
  • There were enough police at the venue DCI and OCPD included (Wangamati kept calling them out)… Why didn’t they arrest these leaders if indeed they were disrupting Wangamati’s meeting?
  • What has motivated the police to ignore the MCAs OB reports???
  • Did anything exchange hands?
  • The Police must choose to be neutral otherwise hii recipe ya anarchy. There will be no need to report in any Bungoma police station when one feels aggrieved by the County goons


Stay tuned for more updates here! Najua watanipigia simu wenyewe tu






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