WINGAR LTD was registered 30th August 2016 with WINNIE WANGARI WAIRIMU as director with offices at Mavoko – Machakos.
It has won the contracts to do the following roads in Bungoma county;
(1) Pork butchery – Khaemba road – Khalaba Ward
(2) Chebkube Market – River Khalaba road, Khalaba Ward
(3) Mija Guest house road, Khalaba Ward
(4) Wandiaka – Juma Bakari road, Khalaba Ward
(5) Royal hotel road, Khalaba Ward
(6) Mwatikho Khalaba Hospital road, Khalaba Ward
(7) Andere/Katasi – Justice Nambuye Mfunje in Tongaren.The above company walked away with over Ksh 300 millions yet they used MTF machines to open those roads no Murram was ever put on those road .These are proxy companies governor Wangamati is using to loot the county.
Purpose of devolution was to empower the locals through contracts and ensure money is circulated within the county but wangamati’s regime has been awarding contracts to proxy companies where he swindled money and it’s shared in Nairobi thus denying local economy money.Wangamati’s close allies John kuloba and Noah Chiuli directors of DACHI LTD are doing the following roads in Kimilili.
(1) Kimilili Market road – KUSP project
(2) Matili Rc – Sango – Wanyela primary school roadThose are wangamatis right hand men enjoying tenders at the expense of hard working local entrepreneurs. They are paid millions of taxpayers money which is shared later.
Applying for a County tender is a waste of time as it’s a reserve for the cartel in bungoma.
Have you ever asked yourself why within 2 years a business man in Bungoma has bought half of mama Hersi’s properties, an incomplete building next to blue waves, coffee garden, 26 acres in Mateka, completed his stalled building in Kanduyi and now constructing a five star hotel in nyandarua?”
~ Zachariah Barasa ~
#iKUWEiKUWE Updates wishes to add that; WINGAR LTD is a proxy company used by Kuloba John who is the Chairman to the Bungoma County Executive Cartel whose patron is Wangamati. Kuloba is Wangamati’s now kijana wa mkono having been his long term friend, drinking partner and most importantly confidant.
In line with one of our Key pillars; Information, I have chosen to highlight the above post lifted from social media to enlighten the public on what the county govt is upto. Should anyone feel aggrieved, they have the option of reaching us with a view of giving their side of the story for a possible future publication(s);
ikuweikuwe,the eye of the Western people.💪👌
A governor candidate turned to be a blogger,www has no competition 2022
Not using technology to communicate with his voters???