Joseph Kubende fired for forging 12 Devolution Ministry promotions


Public Service Commission has written to CS Devolution Eugene Wamalwa directing him to terminate Joseph Kubende and Kizito Temba’s contracts immediately following their involvement in forging promotions of 12 staff members in the Devolution department


Kubende forged CS Wamalwa and PS Kinyua’s signatures to promote themselves. He also collected funds from staffs as facilitation to their promotions which he effected through unscrupulous means. When the Ministry found out, they were suspended but CS Eugene came through for Kizito Temba who was reinstated.

8 others to face disciplinary action;

    1. Evans Kimutai
    2. Daniel Okwiri Ouma
    3. Reuben Wamukota
    4. Catherine Wanjiru
    5. Nancy Chepkosgei
    6. Mercyline Nasambu Wamalwa
    7. Robert Thuku Ngugi
    8. Judith Nyadimo

Contacted, an insider informs #iKUWEiKUWE Updates that Disciplinary proceedings are on-going within the ministry



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