Chwele market witnessed a rare drama when a drunk man beat up a police who wanted to arrest him… The who found it unacceptable to be arrested amidst hundreds of residents/visitors/traders and passerbys who had no masks… Their argument quickly transformed into a serious fight that saw the police loose his firearm and had to seek refuge in a culvert after he was floored severally.
Our #iKUWEiKUWE rat on the ground wrote…
Omusikari apokea sikhupo from a furious mlevi who was not wearing mask in Chwele…The newly posted Police officer had two options at hand; first throwing his gun and last one, kuingia kwa callbat after sikhupo khubirira….
~ Source ~
- Members of the public MUST avoid involving themselves in fights with the police. Its ill advised and has far reaching consequences.
- From the photos it seems like a policeman who had no mask wanted to arrest an unmasked resident🙄🙄🙄 Foolish I must say!