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AUDIO: Hopeless Bungoma Mother cries for her daughters body, five months after death at...

A Bungoma mother is pleading for help to transport and bury daughter Janepher Walela who died 5 months ago, her mutilated body is at...

BUNGOMA: An innocent young family falls victim to arson attack linked to war against...

Aloud bang that woke up the late mzee Awinja’s family and tenants at Mupeli area, Bungoma town on Thursday 5th Dec. 2024 turned out...

DETAILED ACCOUNT: How, Why embattled MCA Orize and goons attacked ikuweikuwe.com crew at Siboti...

eDDUHSimiyu narrates the chilling attack masterminded by Siboti MCA Orize Wanjala Kundu https://youtu.be/MSZeltI5-fg "On 29th Nov. 2024 ikuweikuwe.com crew Edward wamalwa Simiyu and Elisha Omumulika were...
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