Bungoma to equip hospital by itself despite president Ruto’s pledge

Musikoma MCA and Health Committee chair Hon. George Makari (centre), Nominated MCA Maureen Katila (R) and Assembly staff Ms Diana Khaemba (left)
By County Assembly Communications Team
The County Assembly of Bungoma is reviewing the County Annual Development Plan (ADP) for 2025/2026. Various sectoral committees are interrogating the plan in sessions with representatives from the County Executive.
Monday 23rd September 2024, committees including those for Tourism, Environment, Water and Natural Resources, Roads, Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works, Youth and Sports, Health Services, Labour Relations, Members’ Services and Facilities, and Gender, Culture and Social Welfare engaged with County Executive Committee Members (CECMs) and Chief Officers.
The County Department of Youth and Sports appeared before the Committee on Youth and Sports to interrogate the County Annual Development Plan. The Committee led by the Chairperson Hon. Violet Makhanu inquired from the department about the non-payment of key projects.
Youth and Sports Committee sought to find out why Ksh. 30 million allocated to complete the High Altitude Training Centre at Chemoge and Ksh. 60 Million for the construction of Masinde Muliro Stadium was not utilized as per the approved budget.
In defense, the Department apportioned the blame to the Finance Department for not effecting the payment. The Committee concluded that they would invite the County Executive Committee member and Chief Officer in charge of Finance to clarify the issue.
The Youth and Sports Department led by the Chief Officer Mr. Timothy Wafula assured the members of the Committee that the department was committed to offsetting all pending bills that amount to Ksh. 1,184,980 and Ksh. 140, 413, and 877 for recurrent expenditure and development respectively.

The Director of Youth and Sports Mr. David Kalamu highlighted key achievements by the department among them the completion of the first and second floor of the Masinde Muliro stadium that was currently being utilized and the ajiri mentorship and training program for the youth that has benefitted youth from Bukembe East, Kaptama and Chwele Kabuchai wards.
The County Gender and Culture Department on the other hand appeared before the County Assembly Committee on Gender and Culture to highlight the ADP for FY 2025/2026. The Chief Officer Mr. David Maling’a was put to task to substantiate the reported 90% completion of Sang’alo multipurpose hall. The Committee revealed that the facility had only two cultural houses instead of six to represent the six families of the Bukusu community.
Gender, Culture and Social Welfare Committee interrogation meeting which was chaired by Vice Chairperson Hon John Kennedy Wanyama called upon the department to develop regulations that would fast-track disbursement of funds for women and people living with disability because despite budgetary allocations the process had been hampered due to lack of regulations.

The Gender and Culture Department highlighted its plan to set up a Rehabilitation center to address the reportedly high prevalence of drugs, alcohol, and substance abuse in the County at a cost of Ksh. 15 Million.
The Gender and Culture Department has so far developed 5 policies namely: Group Registration Policy, Culture and Heritage Policy, Disability Mainstreaming Policy, Children Protection Policy, and Gender Mainstreaming Policy all of which were done in 2023.
Notably, CECM for Roads, Mr. Bonventure Chengek, and Chief Officer Mr. Edward Makhandia addressed the Roads, Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works Committee. Mr. Chengek faced scrutiny regarding a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with West Kenya Sugar Company concerning Cess payments. This MOU outlines a partnership in which the County provides machinery and labor while the sugar company supplies fuel and compensates workers to maintain roads in designated areas. The Company also pays for materials like murrum required for the rehabilitation.
Chairman Hon. Franklin Simotwo expressed concerns that the County could miss out on Cess revenue unless the MOU is clarified. To address these issues, the Committee agreed to convene a meeting with the Departments of Agriculture, Finance, and Roads and Public Works.
The Roads department highlighted several achievements, including the graveling of roads, construction of bridges and culverts, and effective emergency responses, as well as collaboration with national government agencies.
On September 23, 2024, the Committee on Tourism, Environment, Water, and Natural Resources, led by Hon. Edwin Okwara, alongside the Health Committee chaired by Hon. George Makari MCA Musikoma Ward held interrogation sessions with key executives from their respective departments in Bungoma County.
Health CECM Caro Makali (R) and Chief Officer Mayama (L)
The Tourism Committee also appeared to clarify pending bills and review the Annual Development Plan (ADP) for FY 2025-2026. They reported significant achievements, including the planting of over 600,000 seedlings to enhance biodiversity and the successful drilling of boreholes in Mihuu, Bukembe East, and Cheptais to improve water accessibility. A notable development was the transition of Nzoia Water Services Company (Nzowasco) into a county government entity, which aims to bolster local governance.
Simultaneously, the Health Committee conducted a detailed session focused on the operational progress of health facilities especially the Bungoma County Referral Hospital.
 The discussions revolved around resource management related to revenue collection and the county’s outstanding bills, which total 132.1 million. Positive highlights included the completion of a 60-bed facility at Bumula Sub-County Hospital and the operationalization of an ICU wing at the referral hospital. The establishment of a commodity storage facility and the recruitment of 200 staff members were also significant advancements.
The Health Committee outlined plans in their ADP, which include equipping the 300-bed capacity at the Bungoma County Referral Hospital, improving maternity units, and constructing a new Doctors Plaza. Together, these efforts reflect a clear roadmap to advance healthcare and environmental initiatives in Bungoma County.
All committees emphasized the importance of effective project implementation and their commitment to enhancing service delivery within the respective departments.


It must be remembered that President Ruto promised to pump Kshs. 500m worth of equipment into the very facility the county is planning to drown Kshs. 300m in.


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