BUNGOMA: Drastic changes in the Depart of Health and Sanitation, others

ounty Referral Hospital
Hello Edu, Bungoma Governor Ken Lusaka is set to create two Sub-departs in the Health and Sanitation Depart. This therefore means there soon will be two Chief Officers as well as two respective Directors under the County executive Committee Member (CECM) Mr. Andrew Wamalwa.
This has come with the realization that there exists overwhelming task in the depart with high expectations from the public. The move will also streamline operations within the depart in an effort to achieve better health care as promised by Lusaka in his pre-election pledges
The new departs are:
    1. Primary Health –
    2. Secondary Health – Hospitals
These positions will soon be advertised. Those in office now (Director and Chief Officer)  will apply afresh.

The CECM Agriculture Mrs. Monica Fedha who has been acting as the County Secretary (CS) is set to be relieved off the latter duties as somebody from the Office of the President is poised to take up the County secretary’s position. He is Tachoni
She is also expected to face a redeployment after it became evident that some of her juniors are actually of a higher job group thus attracting the element of undermining. Fedha who has previously been in JG – P but got promoted recently is seen as a impediment to promotions within her depart for those reasons leading to disquiet like in the case of Mabanga FTC workers.
She is also seem to be having a know-it-all attitude which ultimately affects achievement of maximum results inline with Lusaka’s agenda.
Two other CECM’s face redeployment too.

~ Rat, Health Depart ~


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