Rider dies, pillion escapes unscratched in a bizarre truck-bodaboda accident


This truck KBJ 769J run over and killed a bodaboda rider Mr. Charles Musangila last evening 23rd June 2023 about 5pm at Tulienge area in Sirisia Constituency – Bungoma. The bodaboda rider is said to have been carrying a mother to an accident victim the boda had knocked earlier in the day from Chebukube area. They were visiting the injured at Sirisia Sub County Hospital.

On their way to Sirisia Hospital at Tulienge area they were hit by a truck in a bizarre accident that saw the lady mysteriously escape unscratched after jumping off the moving bike before the accident while the ride was run over with the bike resting under the truck when it came to a halt.

Lwakhakha Police arrived at the accident scene at about 9pm and opted to take away the driver fearing a possible mob justice as they took the dead to Sirisia mortuary. They later came back at 11pm to tow away the truck to a nearby Tulienge Police Post


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