How a female Nzowasco employee got kidnapped by a male company driver and her boss


Nzoia Water Services Company Limited (Nzowasco) has lately been in the news mostly for the wrong reasons with the latest being an unsuccessful kidnapping of a female staff in line of duty. Ms. Christine Wanyonyi narrates her ordeal at the hands of company driver Mr. Ferdinand Barasa and Timothy Waswa the operation and maintenance officer that forced her to run for her dear life before reporting at the police station;

To: The Regional Manager, NZOWASCO BUNGOMA
Ref: Suspicious and threatening conduct to myself by my male colleagues.
On Friday, the 16th of June 2023, I boarded the Company car , pickup double-cab registration number KAT 617 driven by the designated company driver Barasa.In the same car was Timothy of the Operations and Maintenance team. We headed towards Sikata area, which is my general allocated work area. However, at some point, the driver took an unusual route, a detour, and ended up following a fairly deserted and disused path.
I inquired where we were heading, but the driver told me to just sit and relax, it was work. I insisted on knowing as I was getting late on starting my day’s programme. It was at this point that Timothy of O,and M, who was sitting between the driver and I, said he wanted to alight at this point. The driver stopped the vehicle and I got our so as to let Timothy alight before I could get back in. As soon as Timothy alighted, the driver sped off with me still holding the door attempting to board. I shouted at him inquiring why he was behaving like this, to which he responded, “wewe ongea na Timo tu, nitakuja!” And he actually left. I asked Timothy what was happening, and he told me he wanted us to take a soda.
Police OB number
Surprisingly some other employee of NZOWASCO appeared from inside one plot around and opened the gate, and also insisted that I get in and take a soda. I was now panicking. I refused these offers, and started walking back the direction we had come from. I luckily got a boda boda which I quickly boarded and asked the rider to take me back to town. After some distance I heard a car behind us and on checking I saw the company pickup following us. I asked the rider to hurry as I did not want the vehicle to catch up with us, I did not know what the intention was.
I reported the issue on Monday the 19th of June 2023 to my supervisor
I would like to report here that I feel very unsafe with the said colleagues and would appreciate appropriate action to correct this. I am also considering instituting charges privately against the two/ three individuals as will be advised by my lawyer.

~ Christine Wanyonyi, Dated: 19/06/2023 ~



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