BUNGOMA ASSEMBLY releases Public Accounts Committee interrogation schedule

Governor Wangamati posses for a photo with County Assembly of Bungoma staff and MCAs / Photo; Source

In Summary;

  • Extract from Public Notice
  • Schedule/Venue
  • iKUWEiKUWE Corner
The County Assembly of Bungoma Public Accounts Committee is in receipt of the under listed reports from the Office of the Auditor General:
  1. Financial statements for the Bungoma County Youth and Women Empowerment fund FY 2018/19;
  2. Financial statements for the County Executive of Bungoma FY 2019/2020; and
  3. Financial statements for the Bungoma County Disability Empowerment Fund FY 2018/19.
Pursuant to Article 229(8) of Constitution of Kenya 2010 read together with Standing Order number 186 of Bungoma County Assembly Standing Orders, the Public Accounts Committee will be interrogating the above said reports at MINATA HOTEL – WEBUYE from 10th to 28th February 2022.

County Executive Committee Members and Chief Officers are hereby reminded to coordinate the availing of documents and appear before the committee as per an invitation earlier sent to them.
Members of the public are notified that the sessions will be open and they are free to attend.

~ J.K.O Mosongo ~ Clerk To County Assembly

#iKUWEiKUWE Corner;


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