Micro Financing companies often approach youths with mouthwatering deals where they offer to loan then money to buy motorbikes. Upon concluding the deal, the financing company then colludes with thugs to KILL and/or STEAL the same bike for resell… Leaving the youth/families with huge loan(s) to repay.
Last week a Bulondo village resident in Bungoma County called Brian Waswa aka Zain Mwatiti a youth who has bought a bike from Watu Credit for bodaboda business not less than a week ago was killed at Zerozero area, Kanduyi and his brand new bike taken… The family is now struggling with funeral arrangements as the financing company plan to action the attached properties to recover their monies. His body will be buried Thursday, 30 September 2021
This has been abnormally normal since this financing business was introduced in Kenyan market where we have witnessed hundreds of youths lose their lives a few days after buying bikes with the selling company unable to locate them even if they are fitted with a tracking device
Security agencies have been good at issuing press statements that carry stun warnings to those who kill and steal but have failed short of interrogating the role of the selling companies via the faulty or easily untraceable tracking devices upon theft.
It’s even regrettable that on May 19, 2021 Dennis Odima was stabbed severally at the back of his head killing him instantly and his bike taken. The Watu Credit – Bungoma branch manager arrogantly refused to comment with the County commissioner turning the heat on protesting bodaboda riders telling them to ensure they have licenses provided by NTSA as well as registering with various stage associations. Ever since tens of bodaboda riders have lost their lives under the same circumstances with same end result.
How comes youth/bodabodas are not Boycotting these kinda companies???
What’s the government doing about this???